Reviews for Purple Stain
Huh chapter 1 . 7/7/2019
LunaticV chapter 1 . 12/21/2010
ooh, my poor, poor arthur..

that was sweet of eames...
sanctuary-in-dreams chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
W-O-W. That was so FREAKING GOOD! XD

Your writing is great - there were hardly any (distracting) SPaG errors, so I was free to read this without any beta!thoughts entering my mind. _

Eames teasing was very deliberate - which you later explain at the end - and I really liked that. At first, it just seemed like regular Eames!teasing, but when you clarified it at the end, the build seemed that much different.

Um, who the hell can deny a doughnut of any shape or form? Wow, Arthur has the will power of a GOD. :P

Man, Arthur being rough is kind of a turn on. I mean, it's horrible but . . . damn. *fans self*

I like how you showed Arthur's increase in his response to Eames' teasing. Even if the reader doesn't know what it's building up to, we realize it's SOMETHING, so we just wait with anticipation.

The smut was GREAT - very raw, palpable emotion. And the post-coital break-down didn't break that strong emotion - great job keeping that up.

Nice backstory. That boy was such an ass. And I didn't mention this before, but I liked how in a couple of sentences you showed Arthur being introduced to all this violent ways (karate, guns, etc) and his realization that those skills could be used for not necessarily good ways and yet still help him. Very chilling.

OHMYGOSH, Eames is such a sweetheart. He sacrificed and put up with a lot to get Arthur to trust him. *is a puddle* Arthur is so lucky - and fortunate! Without Eames, he would still be hurting!

I like how you didn't really go into a lot of detail with the love-making. Not all smut scenes have to be dragged out into a smut-tastic thing. :-)

The closing paragraphs were super sweet. Finally, some closure!

All in all, brilliant fic. Great job!

tanay13 chapter 1 . 10/21/2010
oh i loved this story. the ending was beautiful!