Reviews for Bitten
josh chapter 1 . 2/8/2011
wow nice story poor ellis
Zeiky chapter 1 . 1/30/2011
This fanfic is great! it catches perfectly the gist of muse927's fanart!

I love how you left this in 'cliffhanger' instead of giving it a sad/happy/bittersweet ending like most have done; I think it's the best choice for such unfortunately event(Ellis turning into an infected) that I'm sure no one of us would ever like to happen.

Keep up the good work ~
NickyNineDoors99 chapter 1 . 10/26/2010
Way to be AMAZINGNESS Hiyume-chan _ Even better than described :DD
SariaSunshine chapter 1 . 10/20/2010
I cried! :( Still have tears in my eyes T.T
DirgeOfDecember chapter 1 . 10/19/2010
I really quite liked this. It was wonderfully sad and very well written. really, really horrible at writing reviews/critiques; I rarely do it and instead let favoriting a story and/or author speak for itself, but... I figured, since it's your first L4D/2 fic, I'd leave you a review. I hope you forgive how much I suck at them. XD

As for the cursing, well... There's a fair bit of it in Left 4 Dead/2 as it is, and Nick would definitely have a potty mouth, so there's no worries on that.

I hope you write more for L4D2, I really do.