Reviews for Not Just A Game
someclevername19 chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
That was beautifully written, I love it so much! You are a truly talented writer!
Cookies chapter 1 . 1/24/2014
This is perfect.
ColMikeFuser chapter 1 . 1/13/2014
Why didn't Suzanne Collins write this?


At the end of HG, the ruse was working.

People seriously believed that Seneca Crane had bent the rules, because of young love. Snow could have taken credit for this show of mercy, made the two-victor rule permanent, and completely prevented a revolution.

A just-the-facts interview, like this one, would have brought out the need to end the Games.

Congratulations. You just found Mr Flickerman's weakness.
Dr. Indecisive chapter 1 . 5/21/2011
It sounds like something that would really happen in the book. All the details and emotions were dead on, which makes this a great fan-fic. I especially like Haymitch's response at the end because it just seems so much like him.

5/5 stars!
Cammie Fujisaki chapter 1 . 10/27/2010
It's really good! I thouht it was very in character and I could see this happening in the book! Well done.
Emily Rivers chapter 1 . 10/20/2010
Perfect, and that's all I got to say on the subject.
deschanel10 chapter 1 . 10/19/2010
I agree with obiwanlivesforever. This was so beautiful, so sad, and heartbreaking at the same time. I can't say much because my review cannot beat obiwan's.

Amazing job. You made me cry. Trust me. I don't cry at all. The Notebook didn't even make me cry.

Again, breathtaking job
Obiwanlivesforever chapter 1 . 10/19/2010
Why doesn't this have any reviews yet? I thought it was excellent. Honestly, it's what everybody who read the books wanted Katniss and Peeta to say, and we had to wait forever for them to finally spit it out. You managed to put three books' worth of emotion and unsaid words into one short fanfiction, and for that, I applaud you.

Everyone was really in character. I can completely imagine Katniss saying all this. The part where she was talking about how the games had affected her, so that she couldn't hear a twig snap or feel someone hug her without feeling fear, was especially terrific. Peeta's hesitance was right on the mark, too. And I love Haymitch at the end; I can just imagine Effie glaring at him as he says that.

There were a few grammatical errors, such as "Both, Effie and Haymitch were yelling." You didn't need the apostrophe. Also, Katniss killed 3 people (Glimmer, D4 girl, Marvel and Cato) and if we really want to get specific she shot an arrow through two of them, but those are just tiny mistakes. This FanFiction was very well-written and brought up points that everyone wants to hear. I actually wish this had happened in the actual book! :D