Reviews for Across
tuathafaerie chapter 1 . 7/3/2005
Very nice and poignant. I like the fact that it's quietly reflecting on stuff.

Tuatha :D
Mossy Tea chapter 1 . 11/3/2004
Arg. Your writing is so darn good, it makes me sick.

I know it's probably not the case, but in reading your stories, they seem to flow effortlessly. I applaud your talent.

Please feed us fans more. )
Carter Tachikawa chapter 1 . 7/24/2004
Very, very good. I haven't read too far into Kare Kano but your writing is always wonderful. Short yet sweet and better than some of the other stuff that's out here. Good job. Keep it up.

angelkicat chapter 1 . 5/25/2004
Love it. Must I say more?_
KyteAura chapter 1 . 5/23/2004
This was great, very cute. I love Kazuma and Tsubasa's relationship in general.
SVZ chapter 1 . 3/21/2004
This is beautifully written. I like the last line, since it gives me something to think about and it puts everything together.
Mitchy chapter 1 . 9/24/2003
yeah... i agree...the last words were definitely...uh...wonderful...
soomi chapter 1 . 7/10/2003
hm. short and pretty. good job!
Skittles1 chapter 1 . 5/7/2003
Oh my gosh, that was great. The last line was perfect, it really hit me.
s' old fic chapter 1 . 3/26/2003
M. Short and lovely. I'm particularly fond of the last line; the street-crossing metaphor is a novel (and cute) idea. XD I am not making sense. Good fic.
Lauren-sama chapter 1 . 2/12/2003
Wow. Tsubasa introspective is always a good thing; I think you dealt with her very well here. This was well-written and certainly delves into Tsubasa's character well, short as it is; I enjoyed it, certainly. My only suggestion would be to make the introduction of Kazuma at the end slightly less abrupt; you write that "it was Kazuma who waited for me on the other side," but Tsubasa's thoughts hardly centered around him at all. Fix that bit up and you'll have a very nice introspective.
Aeris Tsukiyono chapter 1 . 2/3/2003
Holy fricking sht. Do you write this well in every series? I may stop breathing if this sort of excellent shoujo fics keep coming up.
Squall'sScar chapter 1 . 10/21/2002
I sit here in awe of the amazing talent displayed in such a short work. This took my breath away. I LOVE IT!
rinle chapter 1 . 9/27/2002

I love the last line. Great fic.
no longer a fanfiction writer chapter 1 . 9/21/2002
I just finished watching Kare Kono this weekend (watched all 26 episodes in 2 days! o.O;;) and decided to hunt around for fanfictions (the ending wasn't very satisfatory) and I'm so glad to actually find one by you! :D Wonderful job, as usual. Do you think you could venture a Yukino/Arima fic sometime? . Arima is too cool...almost as awesome as the mightly Doumyouji himself.

Later~ _
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