Reviews for Legacy of Darkness
stevensalzman82 chapter 71 . 1/3/2016
i think that something is going to happen to saphira like getting reallt hurt and she needs eragons help and hell say fuck your self to her in book 2
stevensalzman82 chapter 63 . 12/31/2015
and out jumps the beast to swallow saphria brighterscales whole.
Naiden chapter 18 . 3/23/2014
honestly having people being able to constantly over power Eragon is stupid as hell.
Naiden chapter 16 . 3/23/2014
how stupid. Eragon is a rider, but yet he can easily be defeated by some random old guy. Ya, a way to make your story awesome is to definitely have Eragon appear as a weakling.
Heron-Of-Sparta chapter 9 . 7/16/2013
I seriusly dont like the way Eragon is always dominaded by Saphira in my opinion it seems that a lot of writers do that, making a dragon and newer to the world the dominat part of the relationship betwen them, how can Eragon be something if hes afraid of the cold and a general pussie and gets preety mutch bullied with smiles?
Hes not realy a man hes like a mirror of Harry Potter in the Original Books and that in my book is realy not good.
I understand that you can have something planed with this but im just saying that it realy seems a realy bad aproach by most writers, and the riders leaded by Eragon(in most fanfictions) are more like the Dragons after dead rulling them instead of the Lead Rider who is just a moron using energy from Eldunary, I mean hes not even near enough powerful as Galbatorix but in the books he wins by a kind of God X device same as Harry Potter with the Deadly Hallows because in both stories the "heroe" is not even powerful or with as mutch knowledge as the vilan.
Please tell me wath you think of this as I dont know if im alone in this opinion or not.

Thanks for your time
Elemental Dragon Slayer chapter 70 . 6/3/2013
This fic's a bit dark - well very much so - to say the least, what with the rape of Katrina, Arya becoming even more passive and broken, Murtagh losing Thorn, Eragon becoming broken/darker too, etc. I just wonder where you're going with this.
Question: romance in the future or is that not a genre for this series? If not, no worries. No romance might be good for these fics. If so, EragonxArya, etc? Or has that sort of been abandoned in this fic as it went on? Hope you reply.
chrissy chapter 69 . 11/24/2012
Just finished reading your book .well you do write a sequel...
Hal971 chapter 69 . 3/13/2012
Please may we have book 2?
pyroninja125 chapter 69 . 11/7/2011
ajustin5 chapter 68 . 11/7/2011
please don't tell me its the end

i have followed this story all the way back from when the highest chapter was 10

just haven't revieved much :)
IronMikeTyson chapter 67 . 11/6/2011
Dark, dark, dark and dark. I think that pretty much sums up your style of writing. You have a storyline much better than CP's so far. Hope your new book is up soon.
IronMikeTyson chapter 66 . 11/6/2011
This must be one of the most amazing Angela's out there and that is saying something seeing as this is Angela we are talking about. Was this all planned or is it a chapter by chapter thing?
N1ghtSky chapter 65 . 11/5/2011

Angela a werecat? Hard to comprehend I must say. And mating with Solembum, erhh? More to comprehend! My head is going to explode, I think... So much change in so few words.

But still, I find it interesting to read fanfiction, which continues an unfinished story. Looking forward to the next three chapters of yours, you are finishing your story here with. (Think I am going to need to read the original book four of CP, when I get my hands on it, to see what he has thought out to finish the inheritance cycle to satisfy my everlasting curiosity for the series until the finish of it.)
IronMikeTyson chapter 65 . 11/5/2011
A lot of mating in your story man. I think this is the biggest role I've ever seen Angela and her 'friends' play in a story.
ThornSaphira chapter 64 . 11/4/2011
excellent cliffhanger hope u update in like oh i dont know today

im leaving to go camping tomorrow

yay thorn and saphira are PURFECT u finally get it

ttfn[ta ta for now] mawawahawahawa
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