Reviews for The Legendary Goku
Cage4security chapter 1 . 8/16/2008
good story,i was gonna add it to my favourites everything was going the right way and fine until you decided to give it a sad ending,why?

if you're there i would like you to write a sequel to this where goku,chi-chi and the z fighters reunite because in the DBZ universe people can be wished back.
Shashuko the Paisley Maiden chapter 1 . 10/1/2006
aww how sad... *sniff*

but the fluffy parts were VERY ka-wa-ii!
A Dreamers Death- Dead Account chapter 1 . 10/15/2004
Awe so sad please write more
Candy the Duck chapter 1 . 5/9/2004
rae chapter 1 . 1/5/2003
soooooooo sad!

SSJPan chapter 1 . 9/18/2002
Hey, cool story! hope u continue this.
jane chapter 1 . 3/7/2002
wow...I'm at a loss of words...
Neo Kei chapter 1 . 3/6/2002
Sniff, sniff *wipes her eyes as she bites her lower lip* I won't cry. I can't cry...I'm at school. That wouldn't look right. Anyway this was a great story and chapter. So did Goku never hit his head? Or did he hit his head again and suddenly remember that he was a Saiyan? That was the only confusing part about the story. How did Krillin know about Raditz? And what about the others that were with him? I hope you update again real soon. I loved your fighting scene. It was descriptive and just...SUGOI! Also what did that 'nore...' whatever it was mean? I was hoping that you'd explain it at the end of the story. Oh well...I don't care that the timelines clashed at all. I thought it was sweet, especially Goku and ChiChi's date. I loved how they just clicked together. Sigh, le mi amor, being in love is just the greatest thing in the world. I really, REALLY, REALLY hope you update again soon and explain everything about Goku's past. Like how did he know about his father? And where did he learn the Kaioken? Also can't he be revived with the dragonballs? If they have senzu beans they should have dragonballs too! Sniff...sniff...*eyes get watery all over again* I WANT MY GOKU-CHA- -N! It's not fair! Why Raditz? WHY? *turns and glares at her Raditz*

Raditz: Gulp. I didn't...that is...I mean.

Kei: I had almost all, but forgotten that you tried to kill my Go-chan. *hugs her Goku*

Goku: Ack.


Kei: ...Oh...okay. - Well anyway I really want you to stop reading this long winded review. My reviews tend to be really long winded. -v I just can't help it, especially when it is with a story that I simply love. And I really love this story. Ah, who am I kiddin'? You've earned a spot on my faves list. Not too many authors are up there now. Hmph. Stupid limiting us to only 15 fav stories and 15 fav authors. It sucks I tell! IT SUCKS! Anyway still love your story and hope to see an update real soon. - *waves* Ja'ne.
Lady Nightshade chapter 1 . 3/5/2002