Reviews for Ignoring the Evidence
ThwartedNormal chapter 1 . 7/23/2018
Netchka chapter 1 . 11/6/2017
Great story. I like Jimmy together with Abby. Looking forward to reading more aout them.
sara fenix black chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
I see a recomendation for this fic in jimmypalmer community at livejournal.

I read it today and I love it! I love the Tony/Tim dinamic, and how Jimmy/Abby relationship develops.

I love Damon too, so I was glad to see it. And well, I'm a Zibbs shipper, so, seing everyone paired up, I couldn't stop seeing some Zibbs in their scene.
Witchy-grrl chapter 1 . 10/29/2010
This adorableness now makes me TOTALLY curious about your fic 'verse with Tim/Tony. :D So I will absolutely go read the rest of your stories. :P

But seriously, even without knowing much of the greater context, I thought this fic was SO FRIGGIN CUTE. I've always thought Jimmy was REALLY cute, and seeing him paired with Abby here made me very VERY happy. :D :D :D LOVED IT!
LIGHTNSHADOWS chapter 1 . 10/28/2010
Hey Colorguard28,

I've been reading "Life is made" avidly and was so thrilled to find you had written a Abby/Jimmy pairing. For some reason, I can see Autopsy/Lab Bat hybrids running around NCIS. Thanks,Lightnshadows
Pink Hair and Roses chapter 1 . 10/17/2010
I really enjoyed this. I may actually have to read the Breathe stories, too. I don't have a problem with slash, but I'm a huge McAbby shiper and, while I enjoy stories about just about any Abby ship, I don't generally enjoy stories where Tim is with anyone else. :0P
Angel-of-the-silence chapter 1 . 10/17/2010
That was so darn cute! I like that Jimmy isn't just a big nerd in this... I think it's hard to see him as just a guy, when all we get on the show is a big goof ball (which I love, but would also like to see some non-goofy Jimmy). Why are there not more of these? I'm off to LJ to squee a little more.
Net Sparrow chapter 1 . 10/17/2010
Wow, what a long and excellent oneshot in your Breathe-verse. After Abby lost Tim to Tony a new love interest appeared. A happy Abby is so adorable and Jimmy is simply cute. They make a great couple in your universe.
Clarissa42 chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
Oo, so much love for this story! I can 100% see those two together. :D
DS2010 chapter 1 . 10/16/2010
I like the Jimmy and Abby story I think they make an interesting pair. And I love the references with the lab bat and the gremlin.