Reviews for The Motions
gugglebum chapter 1 . 11/23/2018
hey look who's crying yes it is I.
your writing is stunningly beautiful and i love every single word of this story. thank you for writing this and i hope you are always well
Guest chapter 1 . 8/19/2018
Your writing is absolutely beautiful and amazing
Guest chapter 1 . 8/19/2018
I love this with all my heart
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
Nice story, but these always have that one huge plot hole. Why doesn’t Rukia use a gigai and visit him?
nc13am chapter 1 . 12/19/2017
Coucou, je voulais te faire par que j'ai trouvé ton histoire très touchante et intense sur Ichigo/Rukia
L'atmosphère que tu donne est si puissante qui nous fait sentir si mélancolique pour la situation dans la quelle se trouve Ichigo .
Si tu pense faire une suite de celle-ci ou d'autre je pourais être prévenu !?
Bon sur ceux bon courage pour tes futurs Fics et bonne continuation !
sinfulxdaises chapter 1 . 12/13/2016
Why am I crying and smiling like a fool at the same time? HAHA It was so heartbreaking at the start, like the absense of Rukia causes a total breakdown of Ichigo's life yet it wasn't rapid but slowly and eventually each piece of Ichigo is lost to time by the day but Ichigo doesn't fight back, he accepts. Gosh that was tough for my heart. Then when everything made sense, Ichigo returns to who he always was and did what he would always do. Save Rukia, even if that was the last thing he would do. I love how such strong emotions were put forth so simply yet so impactfully, how it seems like Ichigo's dull world gradually gained its colours, how beautiful this piece is. Thank you for posting this, author-san! KEEP WRITING STAY INSPIRED love love love the ending
yitiantulong chapter 1 . 11/9/2016
Hey, fantastic angst! I too thought chapter 423 was beautifully understated, which suited for a Shonen manga, but I wanted MORE. :) Which this nicely fits the description of... love the way Ichigo tries to take it all on himself (like he always does). Thanks!
tiffthom chapter 1 . 7/24/2016
This was so good. My heart broke for Ichigo and Rukia is an idiot. How do you want him to live a normal life but you keep coming every day obviously with hope he won't forget you, and then stop coming when it appears he's done what you wanted him to do? Girl bye! And with friends like Chad, Uryu, and Orihime, who needs enemies? The truth always hurts less than a lie but these are the responses I fully expect from each of them. They never want to hurt Ichigo but fail to realize that his free spirit is his strength so why stifle it? Really, really good true to the characters writing.
Valu86 chapter 1 . 9/25/2015
So...still thinking of writting the sequel? Hahahha! Ive re-read this story so many times and Id love to see how he goes about stoping Rukia of doing something stupid!
Either way, great one-shot!
Sunny Mars chapter 1 . 9/14/2015
I read and reviewed this story years ago, soon after you published it. I'm not sure what made me re-read it now, in the dead of night, but I am glad I did. This one-shot is probably the most moving piece I have ever read in my entire life. I moved on from the Bleach fandom years ago but I can still feel Ichigo's heartache in your words. It's so stark and bleak and wrenching. I have tears in my eyes just like the first time I read it. You are an amazingly talented writer. Thank you for sharing this.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2015
Aww it's so sweet... I know you warned me but... I was in tears u.u OMG :( Ichigo was so sad and hopeless without her. Rukia was with him but she was giving up him because she loves him too much and she though it would be the best for him... Aww :( I loved it ( I'm gonna grab my tissues haha)

Kishiku chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Inspirational, amazing, and pure, unadulterated, awesome. I like how in the end you didn't make Ichigo sad and depressed (like I thought he honestly I was waiting for a Rukia to show up in the end...) but instead you made Ichigo stronger than that, and made him hold his head high, and go off to save his queen... XD An amazing one-shot!
babybisket chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
I love your writing very much!
I also love your Ichigo and I'm pretty sure I would totally love your Rukia too if I get the chance to meet her. Too bad but maybe I could meet her in the sequel? ;-)

Thanks for this, I enjoy this very much indeed.
Guest review chapter 1 . 4/12/2015
You should totally write it. I'd love to see how ichigo does it. How would he get his powers back so as to be able to save his hime? If u do write it tell darklinkblade and he'll tell me
tony chapter 1 . 3/12/2015
Make the sequel!
You must make the sequel!
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