Reviews for My Future in Your Hands
Guest chapter 18 . 4/7/2016
You really should start writing more faberry stories damn they are good
smutandtears chapter 15 . 2/16/2015
This is an old story so you probably wont see this but here goes anyway,

This story is ok, but the constant introduction of unnecessary tension is cancer its self and Quinn's intimacy issues are enough tension on their own. You could even have explored the ethics of a doctor and her patient falling for each other and that struggle there cause that is more realistic. There was No need for the Beth accident, the Quinn insulting Rachel to get her angry (unprofessional btw), now some misunderstanding of how Quinn sees their relationship. Rachel is in entertainment and has not dated a woman according to the public, so the answer Quinn gave is the right one and Rachel would be ok with that without having to have Quinn explain it and not throw a temper tantrum. This is just another version of the falsified tension the author seems to like to bring which is quite unnecessary in a story with pre-built in tension already.

You are a decent writer , you just need to take out that habitual need to increase stakes and stuff in your stories. Drama and angst should be natural to the characters and the plot not be escalated unrealistically by the author. You had a very good premise and a good paced story in terms of the developments between the characters, but the unnecessary drama is really off putting. I'll finish the story cause i've come this far but in your future stories, try to minimize the unrealistic and unnecessary drama.
accountkiller1001 chapter 18 . 9/8/2013
I love this story, perfect pace and very moving. Really fun to read! Heading to sequel right now!
Eyghon chapter 18 . 4/30/2013
That was fantastic, I'm looking forward to the sequel.
404bardnotfound chapter 17 . 12/26/2012
YAYYYYY! there aren't enough decent faberry fics out there! but thank you for writing ONE of them!
alyciasquidd chapter 18 . 10/21/2012
I couldn't handle the angst in 'Meant To Be' so I decided to read this again for now (I'm just waiting for Meant To Be to be completed before I start reading again because my heart can't handle it, I want my happy ending already lol!) :) I really love how you write faberry and the plots are always very interesting. Off to read Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love now :)
CarolineSC chapter 18 . 9/20/2012
Just discovered this story, great job. On to the sequel!
Jaely chapter 18 . 8/6/2012
wonderful story!
garnmcgaughn chapter 18 . 7/24/2012
Great story. Was an enjoyment to read, looking forward to the sequel
Doupi chapter 18 . 4/18/2012
Can i say i love you ? You make me cry but that was so good. So thanks for this perfect moment !
didush chapter 18 . 12/6/2011
Wow! Amazing idea! I enjoyed every chapter of it!

Im so happy that Rachel is now healthy and that they are together! Love it, great job!
imaferrari chapter 18 . 11/18/2011
Loved this story. Absolutely terrific!
Sorrow86 chapter 18 . 11/16/2011
You're a very talented author. :)

I liked this story very much and look forward to reading the sequel.

Thanks for sharing! :D
Nightbrainzz chapter 15 . 10/3/2011
damn, now i need to

okay, not that bad a passtime xD keeping my fingers crossed now ;)
Nightbrainzz chapter 14 . 10/3/2011
okay, hoping they got the hint, onward!
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