Reviews for Heat
BetweenSunAndMoon chapter 1 . 1/30/2014
I felt warm inside. :)
Mantinas chapter 1 . 9/29/2011
Yay! Basil finally gets his Dorian! _ This made my day.
lori-la-strange chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
This is absolutely beautiful. It's a shame you haven't written more for this category :) You get the tone and themes of the relationship so right. Love it!
OoLostGirloO chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
I loved this, i wish it had worked out between Dorian and Basil, cause Basil really did love him didn't he
MisterNevermore chapter 1 . 2/28/2011
This is an excellent piece. I felt it was written in a way that kept up with the original voice, tone, and mood of the novel. Though short, the piece was a pleasure to read.
Ohmu's Sorrow chapter 1 . 1/9/2011
This is a really pretty piece of fanfiction :) It makes me a little sad to think that probably as soon as he doesn't /need/ Basil anymore, Dorian won't be interested in him either. And I'm not sure if Basil can actually understand Dorian (or more like express it to him) with his moral straightness - I interpret that there is certain wistfullness in his thoughts in this fic, too.