Reviews for Sweet
Miih-chan chapter 1 . 5/26/2017
Truth to be told... I don't know why I ship Eagle x Umi (maybe is because I love Umi and I like to ship her with everyone minus Ascot) but I can't help but to love them.

Your fanfics make me happy and sad (because there's not enough fics with this pair). But thank you for sharing your stories with us D
tifa07 chapter 1 . 5/22/2015
Honestly, I never thought this pairing is possible. But when I read your story, I now support Eagle x Umi shipping! I realized they are absolutely cute together! I like how you write this, all are in characters. Good job. Hope you write more story about them.
lav chapter 1 . 4/19/2015
And so, after got a great distracting from loving this pairing, i found a new amazing couple to swoon of, elsa and jack frost! (I dont care if that pairing is impossible to happen), but only for a few months... now im back at being crazy over umi and eagle T_T
I miss this pairing so much, and i miss all your EU fics. I even stalked you a bit and a bit relieve you still alive n someday you said youll finish your fics. I dont care how long that someday is :(
animeylaber chapter 1 . 1/23/2015
I still love this story no matter how many times in how many years i have read it :3
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2013
Супер. В России вас тоже любят, переводят ваши тексты. Я рад, что еще есть люди, работающие в таком старом фэндоме...
guest chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
Oh this is so cute! You should write chapter 2 or maybe a sequel :-D
Unmistakable chapter 1 . 11/30/2012
This is awesome! Very well done. Eagle is so Eagle here and so are the others. So stay in charecter! *shakes head* Totally awesome..
EVision chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
you are the best!
How they're all stay in character and very not OOC really amaze me..
If only there's a sequel.. Uuh i'm so loving all your eagle/umi fics x)
mello chapter 1 . 11/10/2012
you make Eagle always stay in his original character in all your EU fics is really amazing (i dont read non EU fics). Your fics feels really like the real MKR story imo. Hope you'll write more stories about this couple.
dragonheart chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
.OMIGASH!, why haven't I seen this sooner! are you still writing? if you are, I beg you to create more stories about this pairing! WAAAH! I LOVE the sexual tension between them! please create more of this wonderful short stories! i'm inLOVE with this couple!.
Unbecoming Me chapter 1 . 12/26/2010
So cute I love it :3
ichigosunshine chapter 1 . 12/5/2010
This fic definitely does not get enough reviews and love. It's a very nice short story with fluff and comedy. The ending is not prolonged and done neatly, with no loose ends. It's just enough to sate the UmixEagle fans' appetite for this cute couple and enough to keep the readers who are new to the pairing interested. Thumbs up! :)
ChocolateAddict chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
More Umi x Eagle pairing please!

Love how much detail you put into your stories, another fave
Royal blueKitsune chapter 1 . 10/20/2010
This was so...perfect. Just blissfully perfect!

*tries to fan the blush away*


But tis a good type of fail - I'm failing at not falling in love with this one shot.

P.S: Why are you blushing Hikaru? Hmmmmmmm? What could Caldina possibly see that would turn you so red? (Lantis, Lantis...ascending bases fast aren't we? xDD)

*impish grin*

P.P.S: Don't mind me - I get too little Hikaru/Lantis smex from this fandom. My imagination just ran over the hills. *wiggles eyebrows*
Secrecy in Anonymity chapter 1 . 10/18/2010
Very sweet fic! I don't understand why people aren't leaving you reviews for this little baby. It's sweet and funny and in character! I loved it much! I hope you write more EaglexUmi sweet shorts like this. Thanks for the amusing read!
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