Reviews for Ex
Angelchan2012 chapter 2 . 10/21/2010
*gasps* O.O omg! What did you do to Shiro? What happened to the sadistical smirk he always wears? what happened to his cocky attitude? why isn't he in my friggin room yet? lol jk jk update soon, i really wanna know what happens!
Angelchan2012 chapter 1 . 10/21/2010
wow, that was just so sad and depressing...I LOVE IT! now on to chappy two!
ejsoul chapter 2 . 10/21/2010
Love it! Angst is so my thing. Have to see a fanart of Ichigo wearing that outfit! XD
Kobato00 chapter 2 . 10/15/2010
let me read the next chapter and then I'll make a decision
nmhotel chapter 2 . 10/12/2010
I like this fairly well so far, but I have a couple of things I kind of don't like about this story.

It's probably just personal preference, but the cutting kind of annoys me. I could see Ichigo leaning towards some sort of self harm during the depressed state he is in from the loss of his powers. But with the injuries that he had substantiated as a shingami and as a human, his fights thorough his youth, I can't see him just doing a simple razor blade cut. His pain tolerance must be extremely high and I think he would need to do something more drastic to get the endorphin high he is looking for.

Also his style of dress seems to be more stereotypical of a teenage fashion (emo), the hoodie and eye liner, making it kind of shallow rather than really reflecting on Ichigo's damaged emotional state. The usage of the repetitive "bleeding hearts" on his clothing tends to be symbolic of this shallowness. Also calling out brand names tends to throw the reader off, for example the usage of Axe instead of just saying hair jell. But I do like what he wears to the night club as long as it's not being used to try to reflect his inner emotional state. If you want to use clothing that showcases his emotions, have him wear items that carry symbolic importance to him, a ring that reminds him of Shiro or something, they will provide a better impact. Also people in this type of depression tend to not care about their appearance, and just wear whatever is comfortable and easy, many tend not to wear things like makeup.

Yikes this is long. I don't mean to come off as a jerk or anything, but I like your writing and these things just stuck out to me. These are just opinions I had based on my own experiences and since you asked for feedback...

Thanks for the story. )
HappiestUnderClouds chapter 2 . 10/12/2010
Oh my gosh! Cliffhanger! That's terrible! I wanna see what Ichi does! Does this mean Zangetsu is out there too? Eeeehehehe! Update soon, pretty please!
Cherry-Starburst chapter 2 . 10/12/2010
Really liking this story, although I would suggest using more paragraphs. Usually it's fine, but the paragraph at the start of this chapter was huge and blocky :P Oooh Shiro's alive. How interesting. Will Urahara have any idea why?
Byakua's sakura petal chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
This was pretty good at least it wasn't teary
JammersFlood chapter 1 . 10/11/2010
Love it!

I anxiously await the next chapter!

Blessed be,
