Reviews for Malefic Morrow
Alaina Downs chapter 12 . 5/18/2011
Ohhhhhhh, now McCarthy sees the mirror, and maybe now will he believe Hatter? And poor Alice still in the hospital bed like that :( Update soon please!
Alaina Downs chapter 11 . 5/18/2011
Yay! I'm so glad that you updated this story! Maybe all my secret mind tricks worked ;) good job, yay!
CupofTeaforAliceandHatter chapter 12 . 5/17/2011
McCarthy seems to be slowly sarting to believe Hatter. At least there at the end.
mutepoppy chapter 10 . 3/22/2011
Wow! And the plot thickens...

Beautifully written so far, and I can't wait to see where you go with this!


Langley? Hmmm...
rileybear 14 chapter 10 . 3/19/2011
Okay this is awesome! Thank you for writing it! Can't wait till then next update!
CupofTeaforAliceandHatter chapter 10 . 2/21/2011
I'm so glad you updated.
Alaina Downs chapter 10 . 2/21/2011
I'm so glad that you're back! And congrats on getting promoted! Anyways, eeeek for the way that you left it! I hope that everything will turn out to be okay :)
Kittyinaz chapter 10 . 2/21/2011
Omg! Poor Alice and Hatter! I know it had to be connected to Wonderland. Grrrrrrrrrr
SmoakinHotNerd chapter 10 . 2/21/2011
Wow! Talk about intense! Oi! Hope the dective believes them..probably won't..but a girl can hope! More soon please!
itstheoneandonlyme chapter 9 . 1/2/2011
Well he knows now! Somehow that is the reaction I expected from him! LOL! Good job! More soon please!
Alaina Downs chapter 9 . 1/2/2011
Yay! Thank you for forcing yourself to write and making Alice tell him...finally. The evil laugh makes me think um...not too good things. Oh no, what are you planning?
lalalalala1a chapter 9 . 1/2/2011
Oh wow! She's pregnant! :) Aww, a little Hatter baby! Loving this!

[With Love]

~Ashley Marie~
CupofTeaforAliceandHatter chapter 9 . 1/2/2011
My goodness Alice what a way to tell Hatter about the baby and that guy seemed a bit creepy.
Kittyinaz chapter 9 . 1/2/2011
Finally! Hatter deserved to know! And now they both can work together. They are so much stronger with each other.
Alaina Downs chapter 8 . 1/1/2011
Oh, yay! So glad that you're back with this! leave it on a semi cliffhanger...why? why? Can't wait for you to update so we find out more! :)
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