Reviews for Do I Look Like A Puma To You?
Devil-O-Angel chapter 9 . 5/25
reread this and let me say that it is just amazing and still hilarious. sad that we couldn't see the blue team before anything. or see agent washington try to manage both teams as well.
ArmoredSoul chapter 9 . 10/26/2016
I am cackling with glee and anticipation. This is going to be GREAT!
ChaotixController chapter 6 . 4/4/2013
What about Lopez the Heavy, or even Doc
Random RVB guy chapter 7 . 10/17/2012
HI!... dirtbag
Population1-13th chapter 9 . 4/13/2012
I saw the first few chapters on RvBfics and my first thought on sight was "My, god, I love you." A Red vs Blue Transformers crossover. And well written to boot. I'm really enjoying this. You have done very very well merging the two (and for the record I think you made the right decision on Simmons and Sarge being Cons). Your story is compelling, you have done justice to the characters, and you sure as pit sucked me into it. I notice it's been a while since you updated, but I'll keep hoping for more.

(Just one question: Will there be Freelancers?)

Thank you!
Devil-O-Angel chapter 6 . 4/5/2012
this...hahahahhaha! is really amazingly funny!
mooncrossed chapter 9 . 9/29/2011
Don't beat yourself up about the first chapters. In my opinion, they were well written and don't need any changes.

Now, onto the chapter! Something tells me their little ambush isn't going to be quite as smooth as Sarge thinks, and I laughed out loud at the idea of Sarge intimidating Gruffwheel into adopting a bullseye on his body armor. I'm sort of amazed that the elderly couple hadn't noticed the alien mining going on within sight of their house. Probably hard of hearing or something. Looking forward to the next installment!
Iksuik chapter 8 . 6/11/2011
i love this, i can't wait to read more.
mooncrossed chapter 8 . 6/10/2011
A true Red vs. Blue opperation! There were so many laugh-out-loud moments in this, like Sarge asking Doughnut if the secret entrance he'd discovered was a gopher hole! Snicker. Hopefully the elderly couple are still alive.
mooncrossed chapter 7 . 6/10/2011
Poor Sheila. At least she's found a friend, sort of. Hopefully, the old man won't get stomped for being curious about the pretty tank.
Carebear1 chapter 7 . 6/8/2011
OMG, that was totally Sheila. No! Sheila, don't die! Caboose still loves you!
Vindicated Skies chapter 7 . 6/8/2011
Another great chapter!

"Not too long ago, in the dead of night, God roundhouse kicked the Earth for some reason and in the process nearly destroyed his well-earned house and belongings. And his wife, too. Now he was out looking for the damage to placate Mrs. Jackson, who thought it would be good to know where the Almighty's Foot hit exactly."

I really like this part, it's so inventive! I'm gonna take a guess and assume the broken tank was Sheila, though I'm absolutely clueless as to who the Con might've been. Hope to read another chapter soon and I'm glad you're continuing this; good fics are so hard to find!
Vindicated Skies chapter 6 . 10/9/2010
This is a very intriguing cross between RvB and Halo that I enjoy reading. Yes, I believe it was the right choice to make Simmons or, Simhack, the other Decepticon. I can't wait for Chapter 7.
mooncrossed chapter 6 . 10/7/2010
I am grinning so much through this chapter. That was great interaction between Griff and Simmons, and I love Ron's reaction to the argument/manipulation over who they get to ride with. LoL over the confusion over Bob the ladybug.
Shadir chapter 6 . 10/7/2010
I have read that thing about Ironhide in several fics; it seems to me that they use the comic of the universe of the movie for it. But it can be something of the fandom and not of the series.

A very varied, and very awkward group.

The surprise that the group of human beings is going to take when they know of the decepticons in the group, and more, that it is led by one.
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