Reviews for Denial
Joan chapter 19 . 1/31/2016
Great story with a good plot and satisfying romance.
h2ostone chapter 13 . 5/23/2014
Fantastic story I'm reading it all in one sitting. I hope there will be more then 19 chapter Pay
Guest chapter 6 . 5/5/2014
I still feel like this fic is in fact two different stories.
The opening 5 chapters are glorious & you think you are getting an intense angsty fic & then whallop oh no it's a run of the mill crime fic.
You tricked me again. Stupid forgetful me!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/5/2014
STILL the best opening chapter ever...
Guest chapter 19 . 1/25/2014
Utterly enjoyed this. Thank you!
nigaikun chapter 19 . 5/18/2013
very good story! I really enjoyed it, thank you!
halfbadgirl chapter 14 . 3/29/2013
Because I was in a mood for an old favorite, I slipped into this lovely room-with-a-view to savor a few chapters of Rizzles drama. Somehow it escaped me during my first reading of " Denial" that the lovely Milkstress had co-authored portions of this delightful yarn that spins all things wonderfully Rizzoli and Isles within a Sapphic AU while applying a charming Hitchcockian twist. In fact. I think I love it more on this second read-through since I'm able to enjoy nuances that I missed the first time around. Thank you, Rae, for scribing and sharing this story with us. And please pass along my thanks and praise to Milkstress. Kudos to you both for collaborating and replenishing each other's creativi-chi.
Terri chapter 19 . 2/28/2013
Oh man this was one great Rizzoli and Isles FF you nailed it.I loved every chapter every beginning every ending you are the shit when it come to writing them thank you :-).
Rizzy.and.Izzy chapter 13 . 11/17/2012
I wish this was a TV show... I would nominate it for an Emmy.
Guest chapter 19 . 8/10/2012
loved every chapter :] :]
Luce chapter 19 . 7/30/2012
This is the best fic I have ever read, seriously, fucking amazing! do you have tumblr? I'm .com message me xxx
Wolf-of-Five-Elements chapter 19 . 6/12/2012
Awesome story! I really enjoyed reading it.
halfbadgirl chapter 19 . 6/11/2012
Great story. I really loved seeing Maura and Angela teaming up (however inadverdantly) to help sove a mystery after hours, especially with an incapacitated Jane. Of course, your comparison to Rear Window is good, but there's lots more sex and brooding about will-she-won't-she than Hitchcock was allowed. I also thought it kinda felt like McMillan and Wife. (Yeah, I know that dates me.) You know the formula: big shot cop with a sometimes goofy significant other and a meddlesome mothering housekeeper-type who all work together (or apart) to solve crimes. How about it? Rizzoli and Wife. Oooooh, I bet both Maura and Jane might have something to say about that ... maybe good, maybe bad. In fact, so might Angela. I'm sure she would object to being relegated to a housekeeper ... been there, divorced that! My guess is Maura might prefer a comparison to Hart-to-Hart or Remington Steele, especially if there's lots of romance and occassional champagne involved. Oops, we know Jane wants beer instead. Is that more like Cagny and Lacey? Hmmm. No medical examiner in any of these knock-offs, huh? Does that mean we have to go with Bones and let Jane be the guy? (Don't get me started on how many ways Maura can prove to Jane that she ain't no guy.) Guess we might need to stick with just Rizzoli & Isles who often celebrate with beer down at the Robber ... or occassionally with champagne and strawberries somewhere very private.

What do you say ladies? Does this babble inspire an epilogue to your story, one where our Xenaesque detective and her newly christened sidekick have a post coital conversation pondering their likeness to some of tv's greatest crime solving duos? On second thought, I'm not sure Maura has the pop culture knowledge to take this very far ... but I bet Angela might! LOL! I can hear it now, can you?

"Ma, Really...? And don't let the door slam on your way out!"
ssmiaka chapter 19 . 1/28/2012
awesome! abso-freakin-lutely awesome! thanks for this, girls!
Aerows chapter 19 . 1/25/2012
Wow, I loved this. I'm so glad you finally finished it - it was perfect :)
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