Reviews for Revive
gijinkasis chapter 21 . 11/2/2015
Tinflyer chapter 22 . 1/2/2013
This is AMAZING! You made an entire pokeworld that has a senseable backround AND you tied in so many sound theores about the entire pokeverse! WITH a theorie about Missingno! BRILLIANT! Applause for you! *claps*
Guardian54 chapter 6 . 4/8/2012
The games added aeroplanes, Skyla in Unova (Isshu) owns a cargo plane. Basically planes are used to haul stuff to heavy for regular pokemon to handle... like upward of 20 tons.
Guardian54 chapter 5 . 4/8/2012
Red is dead...

Red Dead Redemption much?

Sorry, just was reminded of that seeing the two words together...
Voltskull chapter 22 . 11/7/2011
This story is just beautiful. Everything about it is just divine. I didn't lose interest even once while reading this. I also think it takes a gifted writer to convey such emotion through just words on a page: a gift which you obviously hold.

I give you a standing ovation. Do a blessing and keep writing!
SerpentPoison chapter 22 . 12/6/2010
WOW! This story is absolutely AMAZING! I'm apologize for not reviewing every chapter. I just got so into the plot that I had to keep reading! Well enough of me ranting, BEAUTIFUL story! Great plot, good flow, and you kept secrets quite well (and by that I mean you gave readers juuuust enough information so they HAD to keep reading). And I feel quite proud that I guessed the identity of the Missing One (gotta love Gen I Glitches). You have inspired me to start writing a Pokemon story of my own. Thanks for posting this! :)
Lisa Telramor chapter 22 . 11/7/2010
So was the mysterious Missing One, the glitch pokemon from the games? I never found that particular creature, but I sadly ended up with a level 0 pokemon on one occasion, which I can't seem to get rid of.

...Do they plan on returning the orbs? ...Ever?

Aww, cute ending. I reallly enjoyed reading your story. _ Thanks for sharing it!
Lisa Telramor chapter 21 . 11/7/2010
Ooh. I like that. The origins of pokemon. It is an interesting world you've created. And Blue is back. :)
AriciaB chapter 22 . 11/5/2010
Hahaha, the infamous Missingno. *griins* I myself never plays Pokémon gen. I, but when I become a fan of something, I tend to do research on it... A LOT. Tee-hee. In fact, the only pokémon game I've played is gen. III games... But of course, that's more than enough to tell me that pokémon is awesome. XD

And congratulations. You have officially made me a fan of BluexLyra through this fic. XXDD
KSA Key-chan chapter 22 . 11/5/2010
Ne, ne...Does it feel weird to open your mail and see that you only get around three reviews per chapter? You're probably so totally used to getting at least a dozen per update by now, so I'm somehow assuming you probably feel like a newcomer all over again XD
Marie Ravenclaw chapter 22 . 11/5/2010
you're going to London? cool...wish I could go somewhere else...might help me get unstressed...I swear I've been so stressed lately...

and *pat, pat* poor you...just be glad he never got included in the anime or manga...the anime might have made it trippy and I know the manga would have give you worse nightmares...
AriciaB chapter 21 . 11/5/2010
I don't usually go outside of DC fandoms, but Pokémon Emerald made me loove pokémon! And I was soo excited when I saw that you wrote pokémon fanfics too! It's awesome! About Gold being Kaito and Silver being Hakuba; HOW COULD I NOT HAVE SPOTTED IT BEFORE? You're totally right. And when you speak of Missingone and gen. I games, I totally banged my head and said: Oh. Hell. Missingno.

You are simply brilliant. I really envy you.

KSA Key-chan chapter 21 . 11/4/2010
Did you know that the best part about your stories is that they actually make SENSE? I mean, you think about all the unexplained crap that the author/cretor/whatever never answered, and then you come up with an answer that's holycraptotallypossible.

Oh, and the fact that you gave Mew a whole new level of awesomeness XD Long live the first legendie!
Marie Ravenclaw chapter 21 . 11/3/2010
*sigh* since I don't follow the dates, I never know when all those cool events are going off...*sigh*

and I feel special for having guessed who the Missing One was (but since we had discussed it before hand, the level of specialness is decreasing...)
Lisa Telramor chapter 20 . 11/3/2010
Has mewtwo ever met mew before in this universe?

And there's Sinjoh ruins?

Is the Garden of Origin the afterlife?

Hmm, I think that's all for questions. But interesting plot twist. I had to say I didn't see that coming at all. :)
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