Reviews for I Solemnly Swear
Guest chapter 14 . 3/31/2016
Really like this chapter! Lily's sass was a nice touch.
Love Bex xx
Sansonnette chapter 32 . 7/21/2013
I really like this story! The marauders are great, and I enjoyed Regulus' drop-ins a lot as well.
Holly Chase chapter 32 . 5/28/2013
Hi! Just finished reading and... I love this story! The way all the characters seem to intuned, and Remus isn't too angsty and Peter... he's so believable and I just love what you did with Regulus and Sirius and James... well I like how his head needs to be squished.
IndigoDragonRider chapter 32 . 4/12/2013
Continue this please I love it. I kept bursting into random laughter and alarming my family
Guest chapter 32 . 3/8/2013
keep writing plz
Guest chapter 12 . 3/7/2013
i luv sirius so keep going
Guest chapter 7 . 3/6/2013
go dumbledore
Guest chapter 5 . 3/6/2013
its how i imagined them being but you added more swearing me likey
Guest chapter 4 . 3/6/2013
i luv it
Scandalacious Intentions chapter 32 . 3/6/2013
Fab, as always!

Remus and his family - oh God, where do I even begin? You feed my head canons so much. And this:

"Yes, Remus, any lady-friends?" John asked with equal curiosity..."

You are a God among Gods. I just love the way you write their relationship. I'm such a fangirl for you and this story.

Also, I really like your Peter. I love how you flesh him out and make him an actual human being. I enjoy seeing what makes him tick.

"Just you wait, Pete. When you see a bit more of the world, you won't call me a coward. You'll understand my reasoning."
Oh God, the feels!

And his speech at the end was great. I was almost rooting for him, which is the closest I've ever come to liking Peter.

James and his family were wonderful. It's not just Lupin's familial relationships that have me raving about this. You really do write the bonds between all of these characters so well. And of all the fanfics I've read, it has to be said that your James is my favourite.

That's probably enough for now - before you take out a restraining order against me. Just know that I enjoyed it, that it was very endearing, and one of my favourite chapters.

Guest chapter 32 . 3/6/2013
To be honest, this was all I ever really wanted from one of your chapters:
Insert line here

Gosh I've missed that, I cracked up so bad. old times, good times. Ahhh.

Anyway, I really hate you for making me kind of like Peter. The Sirius moments of him being adorabubble were adorabubble 3 I'm quite proud of you for updating so soon. But that reminds me that I need to do so. Ugh fuck you.

Te quiero 3
Kazo Sakamari chapter 32 . 3/5/2013
Ahhh...I love Sirius. I really do.
And wow, I'm feeling so very proud of Peter for putting up a good fight, obviously the Marauders have rubbed off fairly strong on him. He's doing a great job of putting his brother in his place.
And for some reason I'm getting the feeling that something bad is going to happen to Remus...should I be worried?
Can't wait for the next chapter...I do hope it will be sooner rather than later, but either way I love this story.
Thanks for updating so fast!
Painsmyenvying chapter 32 . 3/5/2013
as always, you leave me speechless with your perfection.
And I think you captured Peter here again very well :)
Soph chapter 31 . 3/2/2013
Love it! Not gonna lie, had COMPLETELY forgotten about this fic, lucky for email notifications! hehe it was great, keep up the good work (:
Kazo Sakamari chapter 31 . 2/27/2013's been a while...
Good on Pete for punching that git of a brother there. That was nice, and poor Sirius. I always have sympathy for Sirius, even when nothing's really wrong. I'm glad he'll be having a good Christmas for once, and even though I know it's wrong I kind of like reading about him getting into fights. Makes things interesting.
And the concern James showed him was great, just enough to seem all flustered and worried but still manly.
Can't wait for the next chapter, which I do hope is soon...
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