Reviews for I'm so sorry
Singularspeck77 chapter 27 . 5/29
I did NOT just read 27 chapters for it to be over missy. You getting off your butt and finish this plz. Also I loved that breakup, because as much as it sucks, in other fanfics u see them cold whenever they’re breaking up but in this you can clearly see the heartache and all that Jazz. Top notch, really
Guest chapter 27 . 4/11/2019
Please continue this!
Katie chapter 27 . 7/9/2018
Guest chapter 27 . 9/11/2017
write! continue writing plssssss im begging u!
HunterOfArtemis20 chapter 18 . 2/12/2017
Really weird. In this chapter, you wrote that your birthday was on Feb 12th. I'm reading this Feb 12th. Completely unintentional, I swear. But Happy Birthday! Have a good one!
ImSuperFluffy chapter 5 . 5/13/2016
I'm surprised no one has brought this up but... cooking bacon shirtless? Bacon yummy and shirtless is nice but combining the two would mean percy is a masochist due to all the oil that would be splashing on him XD Should be shirtless with an apron on haha. just wanted to point that out even though this story is 5 years old :P
FirePhoenix23 chapter 27 . 10/18/2015
I have been reading this story for quite some time now, I I absolutely loooooooove it! But, u take tooooooooooo damn long to post chapters! Quick, quick, quick, make it snappy!
Guest chapter 27 . 6/11/2015
Jadejackson44 chapter 27 . 6/7/2015
I really hope that you continue this story. I really Enjoy this story. It's story line is amazing and there is enough thrill to keep me hooked I really like it all
Guest chapter 27 . 5/30/2015
The review before this was fine. I was the 800 and 801 reviewer! Hope you're happy whoever you are by the way your story has grown!
Guest chapter 27 . 5/30/2015
Please update! Awesome story btw.
Guest chapter 27 . 5/5/2015
hahah chapter 9 . 3/27/2015
hahahahahahahaha no really?
dorki101 chapter 13 . 3/2/2015
dude your a terrible liar I know that all that u said about your mom and the tinny dude mugging u and your friend is a lie and that Bluetooth dude or something is bull
Daniela chapter 27 . 12/12/2014
hola me gusta mucho tu fanfic y no se porque lo dejaste, vi tu pagina y esta fue tu ultima actualización, casi 3 años, eso es bastante, pero te soy sincera me gustaría mucho quisiera que terminaras esta historia pero no pronto creo que podrías agregarle muchas mas cosas puede ser, una mirada mas hacia el futuro, tal vez que con esta separación haya pasando unos años para que Percy y Annabeth se vuelva a juntar y ellos hayan cambiando y sean mas fuerte y así el amor. Eso lo tienes que ver tu, espero que pueda animarte y seguir con tu historia.

Saludos desde Chile.
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