Reviews for Breaking Through
scarlettjanee chapter 4 . 2/26/2012
pleaaaaase update this! i am dieing to know what happens!

i love how michelle stood up to him and her actions, its amusing because i could see this happening. i love how you portrayed maryse aswell, just how i would of imagined her. randy and michelle are one of my favourite couples! please update asap!
nothereanymorek chapter 4 . 3/18/2011
Cant wait for the next chapter.
veroniques chapter 4 . 10/14/2010
this chap is grat! can michelle just...walk away! he's too beautiful!*_*'s so nice to see something different about the relationship between chelle and maryse. All people show them as enemy, so is great for m to read a story where they are friends!

Ryse try to teach cody french is so funny! ahahah

please upload soon! i need to know what appened! and i need more randy/chelle!))

Hollywood Scarlet chapter 4 . 10/10/2010
Favorite chapter so far! Randy and Cody appear to spend a hell of a lot of time together. (:

Aw, why is Michelle being so stubborn, Randy f*cking Orton is apologizing and she just walks away. T_T

HAHA at Maryse trying to teach Cody French.

Hm, I wonder what Maryse has planned for when Michelle gets to the locker room. I wonder if she'll even go there.

Update soon, seriously, I want to know what happens. :D
Hollywood Scarlet chapter 3 . 10/10/2010
Loved the match, you got all the diva's movesets perfectly!

Oh no, looks like Randy has pissed off Michelle, that can't be good. :D

Great Chapter. :)
veroniques chapter 3 . 10/6/2010
omggggggg! i'm so excited about this story! i love it! and you write so f* well! i cant wait to resd next chap! please up soon!

Dangerzonex chapter 3 . 9/27/2010
Woah who ever thought michelle will stick up to randy..the viper AWESOME! lol

Update Soon!
likexaxstar chapter 2 . 9/27/2010
Great Update of course. I'm really enjoying this story.

I loved the Ted and Maryse part, it was cute and quite amusing.

update soon? :)
jessbynature chapter 2 . 9/26/2010
well, casey asked me to read this story and review...and being the awesome friend i am i did just that :)

i'm really glad she sent me the link to your story!

its amazing so far! at first i saw michelle&randy and right away didnt want to read it but its amazing! legit, you are a really good writer. your chapters are long, something i always try to do but fail.


btw, thank you for the review in one of my stories. :))

xXCandimcCoolXx chapter 2 . 9/26/2010
I really like this story! Your style of writing is intriguing!

I cant wait to read the next chapter!

Hopefully Randy will come as soon as possible into the story!)

Cant wait for more!;)
Hollywood Scarlet chapter 2 . 9/23/2010
Awh, Jason was so sweet.

And you put a some Teryse in there as well! I think I might faint, they're so cute.

Amazing Update, I need more! :D
likexaxstar chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
I didn't know you were on FFnet. hahaha.

Anyway, Your story is freakin' auh-mazing, Marnie.

Your writing is so in-depth and emotional.

I need more! :D

Plus, I love the original couple you've used (Michelle/Edge) but I can't wait for Randy/Michelle. xx
Hollywood Scarlet chapter 1 . 9/21/2010
Marnie, this was so good. You're an excellent writer.

I can't wait for Randy to be brought into this story. :D

Keep updating, please don't give up on this fic.