Reviews for Mine
Blackbirdox chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
When I read your stories, I just want to give up writing forever because you're so talented and I just... I can't even wrap my head around how you write this well.

That being said, I loved this. As usual. I love the whole... bittersweet thing you had going on here and I just love the way you write Charlie. I always have. And you even managed to make me pity Meeks' wife even though I'm not all that fond of her keeping Meeks and Charlie apart. This is what your writing does to me. Crazy stuff...
Corky the Quirk chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
Oh Charlie...always so smooth.

I love me some M/C and you write it so wonderfully! :)

And Meeks' wife being depressed was kind of extremely sad...but I'd rather he be with Charlie anyway so... *shrugs*
HeadinTheClouds13 chapter 1 . 9/12/2010

Let's play 5 best things!

1. Tortishell glasses! (hot)

2. The fortune cookies bit.

3. "Two roads diverged in a wood and I...I just picked one because psh who cares? We were so drunk we'd fuck anywhere." (Psssst, you shoull expand on this...just sayin')

4. "Charlie pinned him down, just like he used to and Christ Steven had missed this; Charlie's heat, his predatory smile, his smell, his texture-everything. How had Steven survived for the past five years?"


5. ESKIMO KISSES! I don't care if that's not politically correct! They're so cuuuuute!

Also, dude I'd help you if you were ever around! I mean I know you're all colleged-up right now but still. If you just told me when to show up I'd be there.


Splish98 chapter 1 . 9/12/2010
Loved it, as always. They are meant for eachother, quite simply.