Reviews for Quiet Kisses
lenoirs chapter 1 . 8/2/2011
that was really beautiful, and in character too. sweet and short.
canadaroks chapter 1 . 3/10/2011
This is sooooo good! and sweet! I love how you show how even the "bad guys" can be sweet and romantic! Awesome job!
GlitterandTrauma chapter 1 . 10/10/2010
This is so short but brilliant :) I love it!
Flulu chapter 1 . 10/3/2010
I abolutely agree with "Mesteria".

This is an adorable story and especially the beginning when Narcissa wants his attention is very well done!

And it's not too short. For example I mostly read shorter random stories because of the very fact that they're shorter. It doesn't took you so much time to read. ;)
SKINNYxLOVE chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
Aawww. This was so great! I absolutely loved it. D

I love how in the beginning Narcissa is trying to get his attention... and thinking that he should know what she wants. It's funny because, as much as we Lucissa shippers make Lucius out to be this amazing guy, he's still just that - a GUY. His senses and intuitions are a little off; he needs to be told. Haha. (And I actually just read a Cosmo article about that... I mean, if it was about a completely different aspect of the relationship - ;] - but yeah... P )

Anyway. This was so sweet. Short AND sweet; don't think that shorter is bad. Actually, I sometimes think shorter is better. And your wording sounded just fine to me. D

Great work, love! D

- Mesteria