Reviews for Of Journals and Psychology Classes
Niki-the-awesome chapter 7 . 10/3/2010
Don't be so hard on yourself! I liked this story! It was cute, and full of all the angst we love when it comes too two people working out their love for one another! It was funny when you broke the fourth wall, but the only thing is, when it gets super serious, maybe you should avoid breaking it then. It waters down the mood. But when the mood is funny then it is awesome! (I liked it when you first did it, because I was like, 'who the hell?' and then it was you talking to your character. Very funny )

anywho, again, don't be so down. This story was good!
dellums chapter 7 . 9/18/2010
I don't know why you kept saying that no one would read this fic, because it was lovely. I wanted to do naughty things with it ;u;

I'm kind of a closet-angst fan, and anything dark like this, I love it. You could make Italy an insane, brain-cell-deprived mafioso, and I would be rolling around in utter bliss and glitter and other stuff like balloons or whatever.

S-so thank you;; I loved seeing the side of Ivan you portrayed, inside his mind with the journal, and how he was slowly losing his mindset.

Until Yao fixed him all up, of course, because everyone knows China is America's replacement-hero. What.

Can't wait to read more from you o3o
ImaduckQuaQua chapter 7 . 9/17/2010
I regret not being able to read this earlier! Gosh its a good ending!(better than most in my opinion) Hehe no i knew about fairies its just that sometimes i have some problems remembering things.. plus i had just woken up :D i would gladly eat Fairy soup it sounds delicious! I bet Ivan would love to subsitute for you, after all you gave them a happy ending! By the way does he still want a baby? LO~VE! sorry for putting so much in this rambling happens alot!
lol how do you fanfiction chapter 6 . 9/14/2010
*actually bothered to login this time*

Keep writing!


Now I can put your story in the alert-y thing YES! xDDD
ImaduckQuaQua chapter 6 . 9/13/2010
its okay i usually turn everything into serious stuff nomatter how hard i try to keep it light! whihch is why i refuse to write anyhting at all anymore i gave up months ago! :) but dont give up please! you do much better than i do! mental breakdowns are refreshing at times to tell you the truth... BREASTS! and YAY PruCan i love them too! just as much as RoChu such adorable couples *dies* sorry really rambly today did you know that Fairy is indeed a word and that i need to eat one? Uni is annoying i was lucky when they kicked me out :D how are you doing btw?
ImaduckQuaQua chapter 5 . 9/13/2010
s'kay! concern makes the world go round!thats good to hear is it the flu or something? BABY! babies are scary... and although m-preg is usually very funny(depending on my mood) i have to agree i like the basic biology that guys cant give birth... its kinda scary... GAH RUSSIA NO DYING
Pish chapter 1 . 9/13/2010
With Russia, he and America made a brief friendship mid-WWII and shared some things. But that was spoiled after the defeat of Germany. Russia dissed England and pressed America for about half of Germany. Then Russia proceeded to take over Eastern Europe and freaked everyone out.

So I think from his perspective it should be more like "I tried to heal the world's wounds by bringing the joys of Communism, but America always tried to beat me and now Communism isn't as cool anymore..."

This is an interesting story idea, and I will read more!
CHIBI AGAIN LOLFAIL chapter 5 . 9/13/2010

We have a bus here that is 102F xDDDDDD

btw, I like this chapter! WRITE FASTERRRR
Chibi too lazy to login chapter 4 . 9/11/2010

but I love it~

keep writing! !

( 102F? xD do you live in Adelaide or something? :P )
CrazyAsOrange chapter 1 . 9/11/2010
Awhh so sad! I liked this fanfic very much!
ImaduckQuaQua chapter 4 . 9/11/2010
gosh when i first started reading i was " WHY CHINA WHY?" but theni finished reading and i laughed and said

"gosh thats a relief hurhurhur!" this is a wonderful story! and you should maybe see a doctor or take a long nap! and watch ella enchanted! Ivan WHY?
ImaduckQuaQua chapter 3 . 9/10/2010
Ivan and Yao seem kinda stressed they should go have a party!
liliavioleta chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
Ivan... T.T

ah, that's nice. keep writing~
ImaduckQuaQua chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
Ivan seems depressed and needs a hug!