Reviews for I Could Get Lost In A Voice Like Yours
Kat chapter 1 . 7/1/2013
Oh I so loved your story. It's funny and fast and beatiful. Wished something like that would've happened in CR2.

Keep going!
maxridelovr1995 chapter 1 . 7/26/2011
I LOVE THIS SONG! The story was really awesome too! Great job!
just kiss me slowly chapter 1 . 12/24/2010
Ooh love it! It wasn't cutesy, but I like it that way! Correction; J'ADORE! I 100%-ally (haha yah I know that's not a word) agree with you on your last statement! No one even likes Dana! I mean c'mon Disney you made them sit next to each other, practically killing us (well freaks like me at least)! Shane's best friend, Mitchie's best friend, it's meant to be! And when they went to their wrong classes? Gosh they could have had a cute story how they become best friends over the summer, or ooh how they reunited cuz they were friends before Connect 3!

Hahahahahaha sorry for the rant (you must think I'm crazy!), anyway great oneshot, hope you don't think I'm TOO weird!
aishicakes chapter 1 . 9/25/2010
Amazing, no words.

This story was like SOOOO cute..unbelievably cute :D

And totally agree with your note on the end :P
CatchTheRainbow chapter 1 . 9/17/2010
This SOO should have been in the movie! I mean as soon as I heard of the Dana chick I was like: WTF? Who the hell is THAT? Her character just like ruined half of the movie -_-

And then at the end of the when NATE AND CAITLYN were singing together...COME ON! That had to mean something? :P

Anyway, enough of my rant :) Amazing job on this! I could totally imagine this happening :D
DisneySara7771 chapter 1 . 9/13/2010
I agree COMPLETELY with the last statement! EVIL DANA! Naityn forever!
joannacamilley chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
Hahaha I liked CR2! They should have developed Dana and Nate more though, ending it at the 'Final Jam' with that hug wasn't a good ending :/ Like they set them up well with the whole Romeo and Juliet thing and then they made Nate actually try to tell her about himself but after that, they kinda fall flat. We don't know if he got her number or if they start dating or anything. And I love Seventeen! I was like *gasp* while I was reading xD Anyways, as always, this was awesome! Great job! I love Naitlyn, both of them are sarcastic and feisty but they fit together perfectly :) *~jb~*
Drama4More chapter 1 . 9/6/2010
Ahh This Was Brilliant! I LOVED The Naitlyn :D Don't Worry! Your Not The Only One! Camp Rock 2 Hasn't Come Out Yet Here In The UK, But I'm Not Looking Forward To It! Naitlyn Forever :D x
tallyho chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
"Who the hell is this Dana? Bitch GTFO of my Naitlyn!"

Greatest AN ever! Cute story :)

xoxo, k
isxbelv chapter 1 . 9/4/2010
I loved this and you N/A! Amazing work!
xoxoemily chapter 1 . 9/4/2010
This was wonderful! I loved the passionate Caitlyn. I am totally the same way with religion and politics haha. That cracked me up. You wrote this really well considering CR2 came out yesterday...but I'd still consider it really well if CR2 came out a year ago! And I loved your AN at the end.

"Who the hell is this Dana? Bitch GTFO of my Naitlyn"



iloveyouTHISmuch16 chapter 1 . 9/4/2010
I loved your story!

THANK YOU FOR HATING IT TOO! But CR2 was a giant letdown for me. I yelled profanities everytime Dana was on.
The Ghost of Shugar Highs Past chapter 1 . 9/4/2010
dizprincess77 chapter 1 . 9/4/2010
I actually loved CR2! Didn't like the Nate/Dana stuff but other then that the movie was good! Maybe Naitlyn for CR3! If not there is always fan fiction! Love this story!
cinderstellabella chapter 1 . 9/3/2010
This story is everything I hope for the 3rd Camp Rock (if they make one...) which they totally should. Naitlyn is just adorable, and like, meant to be. It's obvious.

& I SO agree with the Dana thing. Naitlyn is way cuter than...Nana? Date? See, even their couple names just sound stupid. hahaha. Seriously, though, it would've made so much more sense to give Nate and Caitlyn a backstory, since i'm pretty sure she was there the summer Connect 3 got signed. And, Caitlyn is Mitchie's best friend (although, while I was watching the movie I didn't feel like they were), and Nate is Shane's best friend, so it only makes sense that they would spend a lot of time together because of that.
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