Reviews for Apex
icanhascamaro chapter 4 . 8/27/2015
Beautiful story. Hopefully it's still to be finished.
Francesca Zatnik chapter 4 . 9/29/2011
Oh, you can't just stop it there! :D

Well. Things are getting exciting, again!

Thanks for the read!
GemDragon22 chapter 4 . 7/8/2011
wow an update! lol

so glad you didn't forget about this AMAZING story (LOVED rise as well - sooooooo well written!).

You have a wonderful writing style and I love how well your settings and characters are developed.

Can't wait for more! D
Silvering chapter 4 . 7/7/2011
Ending music for this chapter in my head: DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUN

Looking forward to more! :D
GBscientist chapter 4 . 7/7/2011
It's good to see an update for this story! I hope your motivation to write will carry you through many more chapters.
Rob Lockster chapter 4 . 7/7/2011
WOO! It's been a while hasn't it, hmm?

I literally gasped when I saw the alert in the email account, and I dashed over right away to read it.

I'm glad that you started this up again. I think I need to take on your example and write some of my own stories.

My goodness, I can't believe your back! :)

Plus, Stutterrun is such a cute name.
The Starscream chapter 4 . 7/7/2011
YEAH! Your back!

I saw this in my inbox and literally screamed! Thanks for coming back cause this is a great story, this and Rise and I would hate to see it left hanging.

Oh god, the attack begins!
Eliza Aacher chapter 3 . 4/23/2011
Not gonna lie- I'm pretty stoked for the next chapter. ;)
Francesca Zatnik chapter 2 . 1/10/2011
The next chapter will be longer, eh? :P

I was just re-reading this, and wanted to know if the next chapter is still in the cards, (I'll love you, regardless).

I've very much enjoyed reading through these again.

Hope you're well,

Blackout 3.0 chapter 3 . 10/14/2010
It was just getting good... I feel sullied and unusual. Need more!
Small review. Inconsequential chapter 1 . 10/14/2010
Hooked from the beginning. That certainly bodes ill for us all.
PwnKage chapter 3 . 9/30/2010
Oh goody goody goody! I felt like a child with a new toy after I discovered you'd made a sequal. (Oh and Rise Extra's got some new goodies too~) I don't know where to start... first off... I love your OCs, seriously. I love this new Nova. I like how he tries to be kinda like Optimus and how he's really got good intentions, but has to juggle being a creator at the same time. It's so much fun reading about the family dynamics.

Oh and the BSS trine make me d'aaaaww. (btw I wouldn't mind seeing more of Vapourspiral, just putting it out there, I kinda feel sorry for the guy).

Best this is, is that you're just setting this story up to be just as awesome as Rise. All the Starscream/Spacespot confusion, family love, wimpy Dash, (dare I say Ratbat?), bad puns, and just what on Cybertron are those ships?

Am so excited for this. 3

I just may have to learn how to draw robots for Apex's sake.
Lily Avalon chapter 3 . 9/26/2010
I He felt comfortable, at home, but as though something was missing. Frowning, he tried to pursue the flicker of not-his-memory... something large, and white, and kind... endless space enveloping them both, creating their own private world...


It's like this in nearly every chapter! You write Isomething/I that makes me wibble for five minutes! Bwah!

...But hey, this is an exciting chapter! Will they make it back in enough time for Cybertron to get at least somewhat prepared? Will they make it back before these aliens at all?
Carmilla DeWinter chapter 3 . 9/12/2010
Sorry for catching up with this only now.

Interesting. Methinks there a Quintessons up ahead.

I'm definitely looking forward to more.
Tamariks chapter 3 . 9/10/2010
Only the third chapter and I'm already itching to keep reading! Rise was spectacular, and I know this won't dissapoint. I usually don't like new characters either, but I'm in love with the twins for sure. I also like the way you jump right into the action - very nice.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us; can't wait for more!
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