Reviews for Hit It, Hit Girl: A to the Glass
Guest chapter 18 . 6/28/2015
I read this for an actual chapter not a friendly reminder
DestroyerDRT chapter 20 . 10/16/2013
That was great! Please mark it complete if it is finished.
DestroyerDRT chapter 19 . 10/16/2013
This chapter and the last are the same text.
GingerLover123 chapter 20 . 12/19/2012
Oh right, spoilers. Sorry, i cant help the comments. I just love you too much right now. Thank you for bringing another good piece of literature into this world.
GingerLover123 chapter 18 . 12/19/2012
Read three more chapters…and the feels are too hard to contain. I must go cry in my emo corner to rid myself of them. Thanks? Yay hit girl!
GingerLover123 chapter 15 . 12/19/2012
Just finished chapter fifteen, and i have to say…
sorry, my feels took over for a second…heh heh. All i have to say is, keep writing muthafucka!
silverstreak93242 chapter 20 . 8/31/2012
All I can say, honestly is...GOD DAMN! NOW WHOSE THE BITCH? LOL, I apologize for the language, but well...seemed appropriate, and I am hoping that this isn't all that your going to put these three through! You have the makings of a beautiful sequel to this story! especially if you plan to let Mindy make use of the Balisong, plunger and bottle of shaving cream! I would love to "see" that indeed! I enjoyed reading this, and aside from the occasional missing word or grammar problem, it was a very very good read! and I must say, you portrayed Mindy and Dave rather accurately, and well...not so sorry to see Katie go bye bye, but hey, maybe you can pair him up with Mindy or Alicia, or even bring in another fem hero next time, more Dave's age! but you would definitely need to see to it that Mindy "trained" him properly! after all, he is her bitch right? anyways, again, good job on the story, and hoping that there's a sequel! any complaints on your part, about my review, or needing clarification on something I said, please feel free to let me know!
Alias the Jester chapter 20 . 11/10/2011
Congratulations on finishing a fairly long story, something that most never do. Good job.

Your story and writing had high points and low points. You had some good elements, but things always seemed to stop short of greatness. For example Alicia's initial reactions to combat (or more accurately, slaughter) were quite good - but other parts of the fight brought it down fairly quickly. It started out at a low point, with the unlikely premise that Mindy and Dave take somebody they barely know "wandering" around New York City at night, in the vicinity of a drug deal they were tipped off about, while wearing costumes and toting an arsenal of weaponry - not very convincing. When the thug overwhelmed Mindy at the end of the fight, Alicia's disquiet magically vanishes and she appears in a "perfect stance", making witty remarks before shooting a guy point-blank. The plot picked up, only to fall right back down again.

The training scenes are a bit of a bust; nice action, but training with live weapons is foolhardy. When Damon shot Mindy to demonstrate the effect of a bullet impact, it was clearly the first time he had done so, and it was a controlled shot. Not jumping around firing live ammunition all over the place. Also, having an inexperienced, untrained, new kid outlast Kick-Ass - who has substantial field experience, training, high pain threshold, and metal-reinforced skeleton - is unlikely, to say the least.

The entire character of Alicia doesn't seem to add much to the story. She seems to appear solely in order to become a partner to Hit-Girl, develop exceptional combat skills and expertise, and ultimately take down Red Mist. She doesn't have any other purpose. It works in the character's favour that she doesn't become a perfect fighter and does take a beating, but the fact remains that there is no compelling reason for her to exist in this story.

If you decide to write another story at some point, my main suggestion would be for any new characters to have an actual plot-relevant purpose for appearing. The story doesn't benefit from tag-alongs or needless substitutes for perfectly good canon characters.

Also you can safely delete the placeholder chapters 18 and 19.
Ghouse89 chapter 20 . 2/15/2011
To tell you the truth, I waited so long for this that I had to renew hope by praying that God would hit you with a lightening bolt each day that went by without you updating your story. And you finally did! So, I can only assume that you have severe third degree burns all over (My bad. Sorry.)

That being said, I honestly thought that when you eventually wrapped it up, it may feel rushed or lose the initial spark that the fic has had. But it didn't! Seriously, if you had been writing this story back in Salem during the Middle Ages, they would've totally burnt your ass at stake. Yeah, it's that good. And the last chapter did it justice. I mean, you made them shoot Red Mist in the crotch! Being a guy and knowing how delicate and fragile that "area" is, kicking him there would've been more than enough for me. But you just had to go and be cruel and then have Mindy beat the crap out of him after all of that. Overkill, anyone? You clearly still possess the 'sweetness' when it comes to the gritty, overly violent writing that I originally fell in love with. I also loved how Mindy put out the warning/invitation at the end. Classic Hit-Girl. All in all, Awesome ending, Janaquinn. Awesome ending.
TorontoBatFan chapter 20 . 2/14/2011
Congratulations on the conclusion to an awesome chapter.

Poor Marcus. Personally, I would think he'd need to use the bathroom BEFORE sitting down to breakfast. LOL

So, is Dave going to get back together with Katie? If he doesn't I rather think that Mindy (once she's older) is a far, far better person for him in the long term. (I mean, she gets what it means to be a costumed crimefighter. :-D)

(Maybe you should do an Epilogue to tie up the bits with Katie, etc.)

Wow. Heck of a fate for Red Mist. He gets shot in the groin and then has Hit-Girl beat him with a baseball bat for fifteen whole minutes. I hope Dave was able to get in a few shots of his own there. I mean, Red Mist betrayed him personally. There has to be a reckoning for such a thing. Heh-heh.

But, Red Mist IS still alive. So, I'm guessing there'll be a sequel coming. I can't wait to read it. This is one of the fics that inspired me to start writing my own Kick-Ass story.

Great work, once again. :-D
GinsengH chapter 3 . 2/12/2011
A few things about chapter 3. Well first off. Why didn't Dave grab a gun? The little batons he used were okay when he was just a small time internet sensation, but he would have definitely learned that stuff doesn't work after the attack on D'amico's home. It also isn't really conceivable that he would be willing to team up with Hit-Girl and not be willing to use guns. Aside from the fact that a successful patrol with Hit-Girl would end in someone's death, a fact he should obviously know, there is also the fact that he used a mini-gun to kill like 5 people and shot someone with a bazooka.

The other major issue I had was near the end with Mindy. Mindy loses focus and gets taken down? Perfectly reasonable. Then she somehow can't get out of that situation against some no name thug? Yeah okay...Said thug then decides to completely ignore her 2 accomplices to go in for the rape immediately?
Makokam chapter 10 . 12/26/2010



Makokam chapter 9 . 12/26/2010
I was hating on Alicia HARD CORE because I wanted to see some development of Dave as Kick-Ass. Which there has been none. If anything he's back sliding. While she seems to have been made instantly better than him.

So it was nice to see that Dave does in fact have a pair of balls.

Makokam out.
Paladin of Farore chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
Nice, it really isnt like Mindy to jt around, she'd want to get back in the game. good work
Ms. Geek chapter 19 . 12/15/2010
dude, this is epic
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