Reviews for Rose's New Life
sailor-moon-lover1 chapter 59 . 2/26/2019
Best story ever! I loved it!
russia2774 chapter 59 . 1/21/2018
love it please more updates
IvyThorns chapter 33 . 11/10/2017
I love how Rose doesn't care that Caleb screamed hell yeah.
IvyThorns chapter 3 . 11/10/2017
Lissa seems to have a history with Rose's ex-boyfriends like damn. Keep your hands to yourself girl.
kazzo96 chapter 59 . 10/19/2017
I only just started reading this story and I liked it. I saw one of your authors notes about the mistakes, etc but for me even when I saw a missing work or spelling mistake it was like I never even noticed properly and just read it as if there was nothing wrong with it :)

Though I was a bit confused with this last chapter about Adrian and Tasha dating... I probably have gotten mixed up with another story or didn’t read it properly but I thought Tasha died haha anyway at least Adrian got better in the end.

I really liked this story :)
Guest chapter 22 . 9/6/2017
First of all you can't spell second of all this story makes zero since and it's so rushed it's fucking ridiculous so all and all it was shit
Guest chapter 60 . 8/16/2016
Seriously this story made absolutely no sense! You never explained why Lissa was pretending to be married to Dimitri, which is down right strange given it would have been taboo in Moroi culture to begin with. Then she lies about Adrian being the baby daddy when she could have simply told Tasha it was Christian and it would have diffused that situation. The soap opera drama just got worse as it dragged on. All of the characters were OOC! Then there is the terrible grammar and spelling errors.
Guest chapter 39 . 3/31/2016
Adrian Dashkov?
It's Adrian Ivashkov.
I live the story, but do you think you can fix the part where it skips words?
Kevinb chapter 27 . 11/15/2015
I don't know why you hate adrian so much. I could easily believe he would burn the letter or do anything to try to keep Dimitri from getting in contact with Rose to improve his chances. But he would never have raised s ed his hand ROSE. Also I think when Dimitri had hit adrian that adrian would of c some right back with a telekenetic punch or use just use spirit to keep him from moving so he could talk to rose to try and explain himself in the hopes of winning her over. Of course I just finished the bloodlines series sooo
good story chapter 39 . 12/18/2014
Adrians last name is ivashkov not dashkov (not exactly sure on spelling but close) just a friendly suggestion you might want to double check make sure you have that stuff right. Good story otherwise :)
peggy chapter 60 . 11/3/2014
of course we want a sequel there is alot left in their lives to read about the children growing up if they have more
Guest chapter 60 . 11/3/2014
Please update :)
my 2 guys chapter 59 . 10/31/2014
that was great
stardreamer2608 chapter 58 . 10/7/2014
Loved the story.
peggy chapter 58 . 10/7/2014
great chapter please have ths twins be normal
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