Reviews for Nothing changes
mama rocks chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
When I first started reading I assumed it was Jack's viewpoint and only realised differently when he arrived on the scene. I went back and read it again and it made me realise how alike and yet how different Jack and Ianto are. I don't know whether you intended us to be fooled but it worked wonderfully if you did and added another dimension to the piece.

I thought this was great, believable, not over mushy but with poignant moments. WOW.
deetatarant chapter 1 . 8/31/2010
nice piece... got slightly confused about viewpoints but in a way that enhanced the dynamic that these two character have.. the way they meld together as a couple. You captured that hesitance and confusion as well as the undeniable love between them.
GlassSplinter chapter 1 . 8/30/2010
"demanding and offering at the same time, and how on Earth Jack manages that will probably always be a mystery to him."

I liked it. Not just the smut, the other parts as well, and the ones in between.
remuslives23 chapter 1 . 8/30/2010
That was beautifully done. :)