Reviews for Vestige
ChameleonGiant chapter 4 . 2/29
We're never gonna get to the booze part, RATS.

Ok This. This was SO good. I'm dissapointed to see it hasn't been updated in almost a decade now, and likely won't ever be T_T. But I'm still glad I got the chance to read what was here. Your writing was stellar. It was a little odd at first reading the dragons by a name different from the one the show establishes (I could tell some were from the book's version tho!), but I loved it. Perhaps you not being exposed to the franchise more than you were at the time made for some of the really creative oppertunities in this story. The scenes played out so awesomely in my head. And everything felt new and different from the usual. The environments and feel and rhythm of the action, and the tone of this story is so fascinating too. I haven't read a httyd that's so suspensefully serious or that feels a bit original on it's part.

Dang... I really am sad to see it won't ever be updated. But I just had to leave a review because this story was so incredible!
GreenCAT the second chapter 4 . 6/6/2017
Mmm whatcha saaay
lje100smith chapter 4 . 3/17/2013
This is the first fic I've read that includes Skrill, and it's pretty good. I noticed a few things: 1) It's been over a year and a half since your last update, but 2) you have published other fics so you haven't abandoned storywriting, and 3) you indicated on DeviantArt that you have a good portion of the next chapter written. Therefore, I'm adding this story to my Alerts list, and I'm letting you know to KEEP. WRITING.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/5/2012
That's how you end it?!
oceanlover4evr chapter 4 . 11/26/2011
This story is really chilling me out. It's so creepy! (Reminds of this horror story I heard once, but really different). Still not completely sure what's going on, but it's suspenseful as heck.

Now if only I could remember what the Skrills were like in the books...

Update soon, or I will burn you alive!
masterflea16 chapter 4 . 10/23/2011
Dude! you have to continue this story! it was just getting good and i'm sitting on the edge of my seat here, lol... when are you going to update? Please hurry, I'm super anxious and excited for the next chapter :)
TheNightFury chapter 4 . 9/1/2011
Wow...this is GREAT! I found this originally on deviantart and since I don't have an account I couldn't review THEN I saw on this chapter the the note about it being on fanfiction and I got VERY excited. UPDATE SOON! AHHH
RainingSunshineEverywhere chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
Wow... I nearly fell over at how amazingly written this chapter was! First off, I loved how you started the chapter with "This is Berk." Then you went along with Hiccup narrating the story for a while. I seriously felt like this was part of the movie or a real sequel!

Plus you seriously brought out everyone's character so well! Like Fishlegs' awkwardness around Ruffnut (I think they are adorable as a couple by the way!), how Astrid needs to be perfect in training (I laughed when you wrote she was telling herself to train harder in her sleep!), how the twins argued with the saddle and especially Hiccup's character D

Then there's Spitelout... I seriously NEVER knew he was Snotlout's father until I read this chapter! It's cool how you brought him out into the story and he's the one who went on the hunting trip with the group instead of Gobber.

When it was the scene with Miniboss and Toothless snuggled next to Fireworm, I just thought that was really cute how they're taking warmth from her! Felt bad for Miniboss though 'cause he has dragon lice!

About the scene with Ruffnut and Fishlegs... when Ruffnut said "Uh, who started the rumor that I like flowers?" I thought of the scene from the movie where the twins were fighting over the shield and Tuffnut was all "Take that one, girls like flowers" But I just felt SO bad for Fishlegs in that scene! Especially when the flowers drooped down in his hand *sad sniff*

Last thing to point out: the way of words and awkwardness between Astrid and Hiccup was amazingly written. Just like in the movie! Even if I like Camicazi a little more than Astrid, I still think Astrid is a cool! And the way Hiccup is falling for her is just too much

Amazing chapter! I'm GLAD this won't be a happy-go-funtimes high-flying skippy adventure. Violence, Scariness, Booze and Mortality... I can this story will be awesome!

I will read chapters 2,3, and 4 and review them too (soon! maybe later today!)

Qille chapter 4 . 8/12/2011
O.O (I think that's gonna be my official face for this story)

Whoa. Alot happened in this chapter! I'm still trying to take it all in!

Okay, let me tell you that this story reminds me of one of those post-apocolyptic stories where only a hand-full of people survive and have to stay at some kind of safehouse and try to survive! OMG I LOVE THIS STORY! *hyperventilates*

This is daaaaark! And that thing at the end with the pyres... *shudder*

I hope Tuffnut doesn't die and I hope Fireworm gets better!


Oh, and I just had this daydream that I saw a commercial for this story (because it's so awesome they made it into a movie) and the voice-over guy was all like: "From the mind that brought you Dragon Journals comes a new story... etc" It made me happy!

Know what else would make me happy? An update! -
Qille chapter 3 . 8/12/2011
*blinks* That... was... intense! And Scrills are poisonous? Who would guess! (When I read that they're poisonous, my eyes got really really wide and I got a huge smile on my face!) (I love poisonous reptiles) (Yes, I'm a girl)

Okay, I'm REALLY glad that I waited until broad daylight to read this! The part where they were slowly creeping into the Great Hall was soooo suspenseful that it made all my hairs stand up on end! Wicked awesome chapter!

There were too many parts that I liked for me to be specific, so... sorry! Oh, and did I mention how adorable I thought Speck was with his 'fetch-the-arrows' trick? Not the best time to bring it up, but I still felt the need to tell you. )

Keep it up!

*picks up dagger and storms off to the next chapter*
Qille chapter 2 . 8/11/2011
O.O ... Maybe I should wait until morning to continue reading! THIS is gonna be a goooooood fic!

This story is so awesome! I love how you've got everybody's little quirks and eccentricies down! I also really loved that failed attempt at I-Spy! Hilarious!

I'll read more in the morning! G'night! Zzzzz
Qille chapter 1 . 8/11/2011
Whoa! That was so professionally written that it felt like I was reading the script for the sequel!

Grr, it's only the first chapter and Astrid is ALREADY gettin' on my nerves! So WHAT if she can't shoot an arrow. No one cares about her (except Hiccup; that boy has fallen HARD)! Maybe it's just me, but I dint like Astrid. Too much of a perfectionist. But that's just me (Team Camicazi)!

I did find one little flaw: you said that the battle with the Green Death happened in the summer, but if I recall something Stoick said in the beginning of the movie... "Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed!" ...

Weird.-Oh-so-weird chapter 4 . 8/1/2011
I like this! I like seeing characters suffer. I also like how desperate they are. It's a dark story, very dark. Which made me love it more! Update!
Tagesh chapter 4 . 7/30/2011
Glad you're back with this! The first chapters were very good in the descriptions and the characterization, but now these last two chapters take it to a much deeper and darker place. It will be interesting where you are taking this.

Quite a nice story you have here, and your writing is great!

Look forward to more-

Cheers, T.
RuffTuffTwins chapter 4 . 7/30/2011
AHHHHH, I love this! Please update.
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