Reviews for Limbus
eelojnil chapter 3 . 3/30/2018
Woa...I have never read anything like this. Strangely enough, I found myself drawn in...wanting to know what happened next...where her judgement would land her...had she done enough...
grisu chapter 3 . 6/21/2011
I love it so far. Please don't stop now.
anonymouth chapter 3 . 3/16/2011
I can't believe I've not seen this story before!

It's really thought provoking, intriguing, REALLY well written and a totally original take on the whole 'Miranda-Devil' concept. I loved how you incorporated the twins, and even in 'death' still kept Miranda's acid tongue intact, without being too...well...overboard with it.

I love how you made me totally shocked at the idea of a joint-smoking, bourbon-swigging seven year old, though I know that it can't be real!

I hope you are planning on continuing :)
perks321 chapter 3 . 9/29/2010
Your stories always make me stop and think. Actions, cause and effect, undercurrents.

It's always a joy to read a story that is well written.

Thank you.
onyx-worrystone chapter 3 . 9/24/2010
Am I a very, very bad person if I liked the scary drunk seven-year-old?

I like this. It's a situation you totally wouldn't expect, but Miranda's still Miranda. I envy your Miranda voice. Well done.
Polgaria chapter 2 . 8/31/2010

This is...fantastic. Ridiculous. AMAZING. Unbelievably impatient for the next installment amazing. Okay. Whew.

Katia Raven chapter 2 . 8/29/2010
Like the concept but have no idea where you are going hope you can show it in the next chapter
greysfanhp chapter 2 . 8/29/2010
Well... this is weird, good weird mind you. I love that Miranda's peevy sarcasm is still intact even after death, leave it to her to annoy, taunt, insult everybody who crosses her path in the Limbo even if it might compromise her entry to heaven or hell (I'm assuming the weighing was to see if there had been more evil or good in her life to see where she was going).

Very original view on death, I'm loving it and hope you update soon.
Maude chapter 2 . 8/29/2010

its sooooo much informations there! JEEZ!

I love Miranda though, she's like, Waow! haha

I really wonder where all of this would go, but man, its soooo great!
onyx-worrystone chapter 2 . 8/29/2010
0_0 This is getting veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery interesting. Good job with the creepiness at the end.
onyx-worrystone chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
...daaaaaaaaaaaaaang. I want more of this.
Maude chapter 1 . 8/28/2010

I simply can't wait for the next step!

I just start biting my nails shit!

You're good, very good!

