Reviews for You're Back?
Izora Calla Rahl chapter 3 . 6/13/2013
Loved it. Please write more
summerrayah chapter 3 . 2/26/2012
I love it sososososososos much, please update soon
akanekyoko chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
I'm glad that you wrote this. I hate dameon too :D

So yeah I really wish that there was a Rhen x Lars in the ending of the game. I love those two so much. And I love your story too.

Even though i haven't read it all yet. Anyways a very good job. I like it so much!
Saeraleis chapter 3 . 7/8/2011
This is really good, though you could continue it. If you need any ideas let me know. I've been told i have too many anyway!
splitheart1120 chapter 3 . 2/26/2011
*cough* Lars is not brave enough to tell Rhen he likes her.
Wolphie chapter 3 . 2/19/2011
The plot is pretty good and so is the story.

Just a little piece of advice: try to make chapters longer and richer in description. Also, I found it strange that Rhen's mood changed that fast in those circumstances. She was still in the graveyard, by Danny's tomb.

Anyway, good job so far,

Anahit 17 chapter 3 . 2/16/2011
yeah thank you,,, this chapter was pretty short but interesting...:) i like the idea and can't wait to see what happens next...when Dameon comes...ewwww still hate him and espessially his half-bald empty head,,,, :)
Anahit 17 chapter 1 . 1/2/2011
Oh, this is interesting. I hate Dameon too, I think Lars is the best. I am still shocked there wasn't an ending with Lars. When I heard there wasn't one, I stopped playing and never finished the game. I don't quite like Danny but it's not like I wanted him to die... I liked this story very much. So, please continue, I can't wait any longer :-)
HairSpunofGold chapter 1 . 12/21/2010
oooo, more please!
mystery1312 chapter 1 . 12/11/2010
why was it peta again..good story