Reviews for Tea
StarkBlack chapter 1 . 8/27/2011
Aw, this was very good. Very sweet and... easy I think is the word that comes to mind. Rude and Reno's relationship, whether it be platonic or not, is very simple and comforting-I think so anyway, and you captured that feeling perfectly.

It's funny, I got your PM (thank you by the way) and decided to check out your profile and saw this story. I was really excited because I've been considering doing a FFVII fic for a long time. Fun coincidence huh? :) I've been a fan of FF since the beginning (as in FFI for original Nintendo. Yeah, I'm that old) and I've always had fic ideas in the back of my head. Rude and Reno seem to be fandom faves, but I've never read any FFVII fiction before this one. So, you're my first! Thank you for the inspiration!

Anyway, you're very good. You should write more fics because, well, I would read them! xD

Good luck!

~ Stark
deactivatedffnaccount00 chapter 1 . 5/2/2011
I love Reno and Rude as a slash pairing, and honestly, tonight I was totally looking for that kind of fic. But I clicked on this because it sounded interesting. And I am soo glad I did; you just nailed it. I love their rapport *because* of this intuitive close relationship they have, whether platonic or otherwise, and this fic just so wonderfully captured that dynamic. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this. And particularly, thank you *so much* for writing it from Rude's POV, and so well in character. He is an oft-neglected character, and sadly so. He's one of my favorites, so this was a joy to find.
NobodyVIII chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
Short, sweet, and to the point. This story made me smile. I love when people can pull off a good Reno and Rude story without going all OOC and making them gay. Thanks for read my friend!
Pocky Fiend chapter 1 . 12/15/2010
This was a very pleasant read, and it was nice to hear things from Rude's perspective. I think you kept to his character very well. I never saw Rude as a tea person before, but you made it seem so natural, and so definitely Rude that I may just change my mind about that.
Wolf Lover-Vamp Hater chapter 1 . 9/1/2010
Awww, don't you just love them, cause I do, they're probably one of my favorite characters of the whole game...just my opinion though. Anyway, I love this oneshot, very realistic, and I have to admit, it made me a little sad that Rude didn't get his tea, well, until the end that is. Good job, and I hope you can make more oneshots, if not, then a story. Just a thought.
redcherryamber chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
Ah - I really enjoyed this. It makes a nice change to see something tender from Rude's POV, and I like the way you show Reno and Rude's friendship so effectively. And Rude's a tea drinker! Yay! I know it's a cliche that English people love tea - but in my case, such a true cliche. (Picks up mug of tea, having written review...)

Thank you.
Katakana chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
I really, really liked it! Your way of showing a friendship between Rude and Reno is so... natural and reliable The fanficion site needs stories like this. Great work! *and forgive me my english* :P