Reviews for Time's Design
Nubushi chapter 24 . 6/3/2019
Hey, I don't know how often you are on and whether you are around much to read reviews, but I wanted to stop by and leave a review because I remember reading this story a while back, and certain things about it really stuck in my memory.

I like the concept, which for me struck a good balance between addressing darker and more mature themes than the Pokemon franchise itself, as a children's series, does, and being *too* dark. For me, if the content gets to be too adult (violence/sexuality/language/etc.), then it is hard for me to read and I feel a sense of incongruity due to the large difference between the tone and content level of official Pokemon media and the fic. In this story, there certainly is darkness there, with character death and with the kinds of things that the villains do to Lyra (heavily injuring her; the scene where Silver finds her in a cave and touches her on the shoulder and she is extremely startled because she has been traumatized), but it doesn't seem gratuitous, and the characters (Silver and Lyra) seem true to themselves and not made into something that conflicts with their portrayal in the games, if that makes any sense.

Things from this story that stuck in my memory include the overall concept, Silver's easy lying about why he wants Lyra to take her whole team with her, Fang as a character (he's very vividly characterized), and the scene with the Alakazams, and Lyra whispering "outrage" to Fang.

Looking at the last update date, it doesn't seem likely you will continue this, which is too bad, but thanks for creating this memorable and engrossing story that left a strong and lasting impression.
Mitsuki81 chapter 21 . 4/18/2018
I was rereading this story (since, if I remember correctly, you plan one day write the following chapters) and the part about the poke gear, that it was overacting and... Damn, did RP use a device to tract every lyra's movement? It's with it that they can say that they know everything about her, right?
(sorry for all my English mistakes! )
Mitsuki81 chapter 24 . 2/18/2018
Hey! :D So I've just finished your story and... Man, I enjoy reading every single word of it...! To bad that there hadn't been an update since 2014, but I understand why you couldn't right the next chapters yet... Hope that you don't abandon it, tough! well, I think the only thing I can say to you is good luck for the future!
(and sorry for my mistakes, I'm French and it seems that I'm not at ease at all with English grammar! XD)
Mitsuki81 chapter 5 . 2/15/2018
Well, I know I'm only at the beginning but I feel that this story gonna be awesome! But... It seem that you hadn't update for a long time and... I wonder if it's only in pause or if you don't write it anymore... Still, I love it!
Mitsuki81 chapter 5 . 2/15/2018
Well, I know I'm only at the beginning but I feel that this story gonna be awesome! But... It seem that you hadn't update for a long time and... I wonder if it's only in pause or if you don't write it anymore... Still, I love it!
DJmiso chapter 22 . 9/29/2017
i'm betting its mewtwo. his power so strong that when votum made contact with him, votum was overwhelmed and fainted. i'm also betting rp isn't there. yet. they're prolly tracking them through lyra' pokegear, hoping that she would lead them to mewtwo. am i right? i'll feel stupid if i'm not, ha. i'm getting worried though. going on ch23 and there's only 24 chapters and the story doesn't seem close to finishing. please, if yer out there, come back. don't be dead. *sob*
Guest chapter 24 . 1/11/2017
Heey! Are you gonna continue the story? Since you've graduated college and all hahaha
If you could continue it, i think a lot of us would be very happy to keep reading and figure out how the story actually ends! (Hopefully see Silver develop his feelings now that he admits loving Lyra )
Big fan of your work!
ShadowsRising chapter 24 . 9/6/2016
Is this going to be continued
nera09 chapter 24 . 7/22/2016
please please please are u continuing this?
TX17 chapter 23 . 7/19/2016
So, I just read your entire story so far in a few hours.
I gotta say, I really like it.
My main problem with a lot of the SoulSilverShip stories I see on here is how people either forget to make Silver his snarky asshole self, or they do it way too much and make it out to where that's really all he is. You've found a good balance here.
I also greatly enjoy your depiction of Lyra, matching up pretty well to the kind, charitable, gentle, somewhat-of-a-ditz I think most of us imagine her to be.
Also, I like their relationship with the ever snarkier Absol.
I AM upset to see that your story's gone so long without an update, but as a college student myself, I can certainly understand why.
Hey, so long as you haven't just ditched it, I guess?
Looking forward to more.
EmberSkies chapter 24 . 6/15/2016
Uh huh. It's on its way? Sure, lady. It's been TWO YEARS. Is it still on its way?
(i need good storyz! write more!)
Guest chapter 1 . 3/28/2016
Hmm... I really like the story, but the fact that it's centered makes the story rather hard to read. Maybe format it to the left?
LittleBigTeacups chapter 24 . 2/1/2016
Went through a massive binge-reading session with your story. I like it a lot! And at the expense of sounding creepy, your author's notes are interesting too. I graduated about six years ago, but reading your stuff brings back a lot of happy (and harried) memories of school and all the stress and triumphs that go with it!

I'm hoping you come back to this piece eventually. Seeing you're working on other things is hopeful, maybe it just hasn't been the right time for this story yet. I'm especially curious to find out who, or what gave poor Votum such a fright. (I'm guessing Mewtwo, do I get kudos for a correct guess?) I like stories where characters cross paths with Pokemon that are outrageously strong AND don't unceremoniously get caught. Some powers aren't meant to be tamed, you know?

Also, is the Pokegear made by Apple? All that overheating has me concerned... even small electronics need proper cooling systems, right? Also, the trash side of me hopes for future one-sided angst and the continued slow process of Silver's self-actualization. Keep up the awesome work!
Rubix44 chapter 24 . 7/5/2015
Still waiting for that update...
tadkins chapter 24 . 10/12/2014
Finally had a crap ton of time that I didn't have and decided to knock out this story in one go (took about 3 days whatevs but I'm glad I'm finally caught up). Love your story and what you've done with it. It's a nice change of pace to read and flows pretty nicely. It's very well fleshed out and interesting to compare to the future timeline and what could've happened there. I hope you update soon. Keep up the good work.
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