Reviews for No Turning Back Now
b1o2s3s4omar chapter 3 . 12/11/2019
Why did you make Aang shave his hair so soon? How's he going to go to school? He looked so good in hair! How's he going to disguise himself in the fire nation!?
b1o2s3s4omar chapter 1 . 12/10/2019
Before I read this, can someone tell me if this has some Taang (Toph and Aang) too? I don't want my hopes up high only to be crushed when I find out that there's no Taang.
Blue79 chapter 27 . 11/27/2017
Seriously an awesome read. Definitely going to head over to the sequel.
Guest chapter 8 . 9/2/2017
Or maybe something will prevent them from kissing like it ALWAYS DOES IN THESE SITUATIONS!
Qqqwwweeerrrttty chapter 1 . 2/24/2016
a FAN chapter 27 . 2/1/2016
I have read what seems to me like almost every zutara fanfic and am very happy I read this one! good job!
I was shocked to fined that u were a guy, cuz I haven't read any zutara stories by guys, (I think)
I am also glad that u didn't leave me in suspens on wether Zuko died or not. Your book was vert interesting and exciting, I am glad u have contributed this work to zutara!

Guest chapter 1 . 1/9/2015
Loved this story
mystery writer5775 chapter 27 . 6/17/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
wounded warrior chapter 3 . 3/12/2012
Very nice
IPromiseMyHeartBurns4You chapter 27 . 1/31/2012
This is a really good story, I enjoyed it a lot. Although I do wish the zutara had more time to grow and develop, but it's still good. Can't wait for more of the sequel!
elayne cypher chapter 27 . 11/23/2011
awesome story, loved it, loved it
Kelana-ti chapter 27 . 11/18/2011
Nice. :D I love Zutara, i think it makes more since then Kataang. Normally, I would have an issue with Katara being engaged at 14, but in the time period that Avatar seems to be in, it was not that unusual. Then take in the cercumstances,And I was almost expecting it. C: You did pretty well with rewriting most of the last season, although you skipped some stuff that I loved, but I can live with written, and finished, this was a fun read. :D
ImTheLoner chapter 27 . 11/15/2011
Haha i actually read this story in one go...just shows i have no life lol. i actually really enjoyed it thanx for writing
ImTheLoner chapter 1 . 11/15/2011
okay before i start reading this i just wanted to say i hope its good... i read your other reviews and they were pretty funny... any way ill probably review when i finish... so good luck

p.s: your reviewer 2ndSystem made me want to read this lol
2ndSystem chapter 27 . 11/14/2011
Great Finale, lots of fire, and stuff(spoilers)happening fantastic endbattle, satisfied me :D last chapter was action all the way, suki could have had done some more action but she's just a side character so don't bother :P

where's iroh hanging out during all this btw, he should be kicking ass...

zuko's gonna make it, why? BECAUSE zuko is awsome,if he's not there in the end it's not Zutara, because than it's only Tara...

yes that makes total sense.

Aang just doesn't know what he wants! but hey, teenagers what ya gonna do :P

changing their mind last minute, but hey he's learning it...

where's Azula hanging out? did mai finally got the guts to assassinate her in her sleep?

probably not but something'd up ...

Sequel need's to be rated M, trust me, if you do, i'll send you a email with a picture of a cake, you might think you won't enjoy it but you will... trust me on it ;)
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