Reviews for Covert Operation
Guest chapter 5 . 1/22/2017
Beachgirl25 chapter 5 . 11/18/2015
Great story anxiously awaiting the next chapter :-)
camilleRomance chapter 5 . 3/9/2014
OMIGOODNESS! U haven't updated in forever and this was just getting good!(not that it was bad before because the story is really good, it was just getting...better) I hope u update! Or at least reply and tell me that your sorry for leaving me hanging like this! AHHH! No. Sorry that was rude but do consider updating this. I N.E.E.D. to know :l
21stseventeen chapter 5 . 4/13/2013
this was lovely as well. is there any chance of a future update?
serena-jean chapter 5 . 1/25/2013
aww great story, so sad to see it hasnt been updated in a while, it was really interesting
cattohot chapter 5 . 10/8/2012
Hi I love your work , are you going to up date this story ? I hope so its to good to just leave.
Sam chapter 5 . 4/12/2012
I was browsing through stories and decided to read this again. Its still such a great adventure piece with a little mystery too. I hope it will eventually be updated and completed.
lilithisdead chapter 5 . 3/20/2011
So no update? Am going to cry..
Muralice chapter 2 . 12/20/2010
I really like your style and most of your portrayals of the characters, but I think you write Uhura too bitchy and Spock a little too emotional sometimes. I would watch that. Sometimes it seems like they are caricatures of an exasperated man and his bitchy wife/gf, instead of Spock and Uhura working through the complications of being together. Just a thought.
VickyFromGreece chapter 5 . 10/17/2010
I believe the crew should have been informed that they are heading for an important mission even if they are not told where it is. Since the truth will be out, where is the logic in keeping this a secret especially from the Communications Officer, when every other officer (even the under-aged one!) is involved? However in this point I'm sure you will surprise us once more! Spock is right in one thing, Nyota will find it very difficult to forgive him for this.
Sam chapter 5 . 10/14/2010
This chapter sure changes things. In the beginning of the story it seemed like only a select few individuals were involved in this mission. But now its revealed that pretty much everyone from Kirk to Chekov is involved. Considering this revelation I'm surprised Spock was able to leave Nyota out of it. Also Spock said he wanted her left out to keep her safe but if the entire ship is headed to the RNZ than she is going to be effected regardless of her being privy to all the info. Heck the whole crew will technically be in danger once they reach the RNZ. I think Nyota will forgive spock but she will definitely be upset that she is the only senior staff member who was left out. Also wouldn't the whole crew be entitled to know that they are headed to such a dangerous part of space so that they can all be on alert. I don't think Nyota will be the only person upset that they are all headed into danger without prior knowledge.
Guest chapter 5 . 10/14/2010
Oh man! I didn't realize that pretty much all the major players were involved in this. I mean sulu, Scotty and chekov. Its pretty much everyone but Nyota. She's going to be so upset when she finds this out. I know she will forgive Spock once she hears why he left her out but he is still going to be in the dog house for a bit. Plus I agree with Nyota the Enterprises mission is to seek out new worlds and civilizations not cross into the freaking Neutral Zone. That's dangerous territory and not the mission the crew is prepared for. They should all have fair warning about what they are in for.
Gerriv chapter 5 . 10/14/2010
Wow! This chapter was so good! Please update soon!
Saissa chapter 5 . 10/14/2010
I agree with Uhura,

WHY are we headed towards the RNZ?

It is only the most dangerous zone in the galaxy!

And I dont think Spock had any right to make the decision on wether or not to include Uhura in whatever is going on.

If a 17 year old inexperienced officer like Chekov is included in this game, then WHY is a mature and experienced woman like Uhura left out? I am inclined to conclude that Spock is a sexist MCP.

MCP Male Chauvinist P** (says oink oink)

If my lover had made that unilateral decision for me without even discussing it with me then he would be OUT of life and house on his fanny.
Hope-W chapter 5 . 10/14/2010
he is guilty that she is not part of the mission...hahahahaha he sould have know that nyota wont be at bay. Go get it girl, make the vulcan mad
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