Reviews for Let Me Be Your Guy
Donut Ray McSwarek chapter 1 . 10/29/2015
That was really bitter sweet, but I absolutely loved it!
emmad96 chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
Ima gonna nudge the idea of perhaps another chapter to this story? I do like where it could go, and I would very much enjoy having another Sam/Luke fight scene. If people didnt know that Sam and Andy were in love, they sure did after that, and Luke got the message pretty clearly. Love the story btw xD
11nivea342 chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
Oh wow his is perfect fic for them. You really touch upon sam's confusion and andy's trust issues. The "won't hurt me if I don't love him" line is so perfectly Andy and her defense move that it took my breath away. But Sam promising her and being open with her and gentle... That's the way he's always gonna be. Beautiful work!
RileyAnders chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
Honestly I'm counting days for to them finally tell those words. What a pity BR writers didn't use this.
Sairs J chapter 1 . 4/29/2011
Wow! I really enjoyed the emotional roller coaster your story created. Thank you for sharing.
Sabrina chapter 1 . 9/10/2010
LOVEDDDDDDDDDDD IT! Wish it was really happening!
unightfog chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
oh I really wish this would have happened on the show!

excellent fic!

love it!
Rookie fan chapter 1 . 8/27/2010
Ok so I just had to review (which sadly is something I never do, sorry) to say that this story was fantastic! I really think that you should keep it going. I would love to see this blossom into something longer. I love the way you hit the nail on the head with not only Andy and Sam's characters but also the dynamic that is the two together. You developed the tension that I feel when watching the show, which is something many of the fics (even ones I liked) lack. Please thinking about making this into a full story!
sloancharity chapter 1 . 8/26/2010
I absolutely loved it. I so wish it would have happened like this on the show tonight. But I do have some input on anouther story... About tonight's showing of "Big Nickel". When Sam told Luke that nothing happened, it looked like Luke realized that Sam really cared for Andy. And then when Luke told Andy that he had seen Sam, she did'nt get it. But then when he kissed her she seemed to have realized that Sam must have talked with him. And at the end when Luke kissed her, it looked like he may be going to tell her that Sam must really care for her or something because it almost looked like he was saying goodbye. Oh, and in the forest when Sam told Andy that he did'nt own a fishing cabin, but that he could fix her car with his eyes blindfolded and his hands in handcuffs, and then when he said that 98 percent of good cops can talk their way out of situations and he was there for the other 2 percent, it looked like he was trying to tell her that he was going to take care of her situation with Luke for her. He was trying to show her that he would let her go because he loved her the most. He tried it several other times when he was telling her about his sister and when he made her laugh in the , when he said that what happened with them was well... and then he started telling her that Luke was solid and a good detective, he was trying to tell her it was ok. But I think he was trying to get some feelings out of her and well that just did'nt happen. What is she stupid? He was trying to give her hints. So I think that maybe if you would, you could write a fic. about all of those things I listed. You are very talented and I love reading your stories.I love Rookie Blue, and I am so hoping that Sam and Andy will get together really soon. Honestly I think that you should try to send your fics to someone in the Rookie Blue cast. Maybe soon you can be writing for them. Take care...
ssbailey chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
LOVE this! I could definitely see this happening. :)
LittleShoes chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
Loved it! I think you got Andy's inner turmoil PERFECTLY. Luke is the smart choice because she understands him. She knows work is always going to come first, but that he still cares deeply for her and (for the most part) she can deal with that. Sam is the wild card... He runs so hot and cold all the time that he's just so unpredictable and thats why her attraction to him scares her to death.
zebraboymom chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
Definitely liked. I think you captured Andy's fear perfectly. Sam too.
ScrubsfaN911 chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
x.imagine.x chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
i loved it! i just wanted it to keep going...
Coldfuse chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
nice just when I think your stories can't get any better you write something like this!
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