Reviews for The Hicky
George Stark II chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
the story was sweet and plausible, the grammar wasn't too bad, I've seen worse, but you might want to consider getting a beta to polish it up a bit. keep writing :-)
Sagestar12 chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
This story was good! I liked the story idea, except the execution wasn't...the best. You could really use an English-speaking beta, if just to make it smoother. Your grammar and spelling was better than most people on here, it just needs a bit of tweaking. I'd be happy to help if you need it.

In your next story, I think it'd be easier to beef it up a little bit with more smut, or relationship stuff involving House/Wilson, or perhaps House telling Wilson to tell Julie or Wilson feeling guilty. The feel to the story was a bit rough, and rushed through. Once again, these things can be fixed with a beta.

But, overall, I really did like it.

Just PM me if you need help. _
ZaraZabuza chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
see I was hoping on some review. :D