Reviews for Bless Me Father
OceanFire9 chapter 1 . 4/9/2011
*claps* Well done! This was a VERY well-written character piece, simply perfect!
shepweir always chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
This was an excellent portrayal of one of my favorite V characters.

I love the way you had him confess all his sins and the best one was lust. Because no matter how hard he tries to fight it eventually he is going to give in to his deep feelings for Erica.

He is meant to be with her. They need to find happiness quickly because with the Vs taking over one never knows how much time they have left. It was well presented and beautifully penned. Great job.
happyhooligan2001 chapter 1 . 1/21/2011
When I saw you had written a story called "Bless Me Father" I couldn't resist. Father Jack may be torn by different feelings but he will always be a priest. All Rome has said was that the visitors are "Creatures of God." That doesn't mean they can't be resisted. The history of the church is full of rebels. St. Catherine of Sienna was well known for chewing out a pope or two. St. John of the Cross was locked in a tower by the Spanish Inquisition. St. Joan of Arc was burned by a member of the French Inquisition. All have been given the greatest honor by the Church.

Father Jack knows his duty and is willing to risk everything for it. He just might end up as a saint himself if the Earth survives. If not he might just have to settle for being a hero.
Tamie Kwist chapter 1 . 9/5/2010
Very thought provoking writing here. Interesting revelations about Jack's faith and internal conflict.
LornaCat chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
This was so beautifully written, and such a great exploration of Jack's feelings. Part of why alien themed sci-fi is so fun to me is that it really takes a look at how fabulously complicated human emotion and morality can be, and you captured that well. Nice work! It's making me excited for the show to start again!
Medie Shanachie chapter 1 . 8/25/2010
i love the last line. and i really can't wait to see where the show goes. whee father jack!
bobcats chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
Well done,I like your approach. Thanks for writing it. It will be interesting to see which direction the show actually goes.
writernumber97 chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
Oh, this is kind of sad. I think this is a real possibility of happening. Part of me wants him to still be a priest, and part of me wants him to leave the priesthood. I can't wait to see what happens. This fic is well written, really getting into his head, and the thoughts seem true to the character. I wish it wasn't just a one-shot.