Reviews for To Sir with Love
Guest chapter 68 . 9/12/2017
No more babies?and the wedding between David and Lennie? :-(
Whovi10 chapter 68 . 1/30/2011
This is one of the BEST stories I have EVER read! Honestly!

Was running out of David centred fics then I came across this one.

I love all the references and the way the story develops.

Can't wait to read the rest of your work.
mousyhairedgirl chapter 68 . 11/22/2010
I adored this story. I love how you were able to make as many David Tennant and Doctor Who references as you did.

I'm also wondering if you called the Horse Arthur after Arthur Darvill [Rory] and the mare River after River Song?

I only wish that you had included a few more St Trinian's characters in your story.

Other than that great job. I hope there are more stories to come.
Vilentiel chapter 45 . 10/5/2010
I love this story, please write some more!
Thane of Fife chapter 25 . 9/15/2010
Hey, I've been feeling guilty about how long I've been following this story with no review so here it is. I'm really enjoying your fic and am looking forward to your next update :) Although I did have a be of a daja vu moment on chapter 25, you've uploaded the same chapter twice lol x
aussiemum1 chapter 7 . 8/28/2010
OMG this is going to be epic, and I am so glad it is, I love it, and you know what I don't care whether it has been edited or not I can still read it and that is OK by me! love your work and look forward to more.
Antigone's Sister chapter 5 . 8/27/2010
No new chapter? *is v. disapointed* I guess I can't complain much since I've been reading without giving any reviewing support at all. So here it is! I've been enjoying this story, and am looking forward to seeing where you take it. I like how you've fleshed out Pomphrey's world-view: he doesn't hate women, he has a structured, though completely false, theory on what we can and can't do, which is what you'd expect from someone with a good education who has unconventional opinions.

Though I know lots of people who don't like to do this until the story is completely finished, I might advise you to edit your work more. It seems a little rough in patches, like you haven't gone over it much.

Looking forward to the next post.