Reviews for The End of All Things
Something Unpretty chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
If Batman left before Joker, Joker would go too. It's sort of like with Harry Potter and Voldemort. At first, neither can live while the other survives. But it took seven years for that statement to be true. Actually, seventeen. With Batman and Joker... Neither can live if the other dies.

In the game, Arkham City, if Joker had been immortal... Could he have let his Bat go? Could he have watched as the world faded to a dull gray? No. He may have been able to fight with the Dark Knight for a long time, to Bruce's last breath, but... After? He couldn't take it. No one would be able to assume the position of Batman. Not one. Personally, I think Batman is forever. Which means Joker is too. For as long as there is a Batman, there is a Joker. And Batman is more of an idea than a person. A symbol. Bruce took on that symbol and he did it flawlessly. No one could match him.

A symbol cannot burn. It can't die. And when you think about it, Joker is a symbol too. So... Neither of them will burn, crash, die, go. They will fight forever.

It's too perfect not to be forever. As long as we remember them, they will stay alive. They'll be together forever. And I think we're a bit too partial to the idea of these guys to let them go.
Nancy chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
Whoa, that was deep.. I liked it!
WholesomeToast chapter 1 . 1/8/2013
I don't remember if I reviewed this or not...
But what the hey! I can review this as many times as I want to praise you for this terrific work! The logic, the feelings they have, how would you feel if I jumped! The breathlessness, the adrenaline, the conviction, the beauty of this scene! I could see everything in my mind's eye.
Thank you for a literary treat! I'm saving this one!

Umino Akiko chapter 1 . 9/28/2010
That was pretty cool.
alice chess chapter 1 . 8/21/2010
I love how creepy this story is. It started out pretty traditional,

but the second that the Joker's eyes were described, the plot took

a different road and just ran away with itself-which was pretty

awesome to watch unfolding, by the way. There have been other stories

that discuss the Joker and Batman's respective endings, but so few

(that I have read) that attempted to keep them in character while

doing so. I can really feel the animosity and the obsession on both

their parts; Joker's idea of a suicide pact, so selfish and so bizarre,

as well as Bruce's reaction to it, really gives a good amount of room

for thought. Part of what made Nolan's movies so great is the

almost-intellectual philosophies that permeate his stories, and you

really managed to capture some of that feeling here. This was really

good and here's to hoping you write some more Batman vs. Joker in the

future, you have a real knack for it!

I'm gonna go write on my own stories now, hee hee.
