Reviews for Lesson 4
PurgatoryHeart chapter 1 . 9/22/2010
Ya know? I don't remember reviewing the last story, but i must have said something nice to be added. At any rate it was nice to see that you're still writing for this one. I liked this one alot, too!
Aabalany chapter 1 . 9/8/2010
I love you so hard. I've read so many of your fics without even knowing XDDD I look up and, ohdang, BMIK. XD

You're so talented.. and Angeal/Yazoo is all the sudden OTP ftw.

ksdjhjsdhf *glomp/bows*
Noname010100010101 chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
I’ve said it before, and I’ll forever say it: Amazing! This is an interesting idea. It really is, and very well done. You have amazing writing skills. I just…you leave me floored every time I read your stories. I think this is a very intriguing pair. You just have a talent for putting characters together, who normally wouldn’t be together, and you make it good. There is just something in your diction that puts the reader at ease when they’re reading a story about a seemingly “awkward” pair, and just makes the reader accept them. Very nicely done. Thanks for sharing!
Afuri chapter 1 . 8/28/2010
NOOOOO! This is not end! This is not end! LOL! XD

I really enjoy reading your fanfic. U have a great talent to write something like this.

Hua would u make cloudxyazoo next time? Hehe XD
94863849 chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
psh, ummm... do I even have to say it? haha, of course i want this to keep going! i freaking love this... whatever you would call it, heh :] i guess it's a full blown story now! woohoo!
ToBeScaredByAnOwl chapter 1 . 8/23/2010
I am officially done being a lurker. (:


(and that's saying something, because I don't normally like smut)

Something about Yazoo with Angeal just makes me happy (:

and I think I speak for everyone who has read this when I say "I WANT MORE!"

littleonegi chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
More More More

Zack and Sephiroth are seeing each other on the weekend there story of staying with a group a friends and Sephiroth conference are alibi.

So does this make Angeal and Yazoo lovers? Or is too soon to classify them as each other partners.
ashlunar chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
Yes, this could be the end...but it's not because I know there's still more to this story in that dirty little brain of yours.

Besides, I want to see how their date goes, and I also want to know why Yazoo felt that his Dad being away at a conference that weekend suddenly seemed off.

I'm in love with this pairing! Probably because it's a different pairing that I'm not used to...still, these two ended up being a truly delicious match!

I'll keep reviewing as long as you keep writing sweets! Well, at least until you are absolutely sure that the end is finally the end...which it's not yet, because...well it's not. 3
yuan3231 chapter 1 . 8/21/2010
I wanna see those two on date...! XD I feel sorry for Reno because Yazzy has abandoned him...
BlackDomina71 chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
This was a surprise. I expected Angeal to really have nothing more to do with Yazoo after all that hurtful stuff he said. I love their interaction in the gym, cute.

I also find it "odd" that both Zack and Seph are busy at the same time on Saturday. Could it be that they are actually being busy...together? wink wink!
BoomChick chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
*gasp!* New one! *homnomnomnom!*

Oh my god, I have no idea how you do this. That is just... just scrumptious! And they still haven't properly fucked so it can't be the end yet! I mean, honestly! Naughty Yazoo not carrying a condom with him!

On a side note, I wonder what the school janitor will think about the remainders of that rather messy activity... Hmmm... XD

A super-yummy addition to this startlingly addictive series, Frank! I LOVE it!
SHA260 chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
More please! I like the way this is developing. I'm glad Angeal saw sense enough to try to fix his past mistakes. And more smoking smut, as usual!
natzilla chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
NOOO, not the end ! :D Its too smexy ! :D They havent gone all the way but it was so hot anyway. Except for the sight of Yaz in sock and shoes and nothing else.. LOL ! Well, I guess HE can get away with it ;)

Ok... ummm.. I wonder what kind of conference Sephiroth is attending this week-end by the way ! :P This story would make an excellent movie so far ! XDDD you must continue ! :D
Soyna chapter 1 . 8/20/2010

Yazoo and Angeal going on a date! Strange! Meeting at the mall that is full of teenagers!

Angeal is unable to resist Yazoo and vice versa. Smexy time indeed.

You know I want this to continue.

I want to know if there is something else going on weekend... but I most likely am reading to much into your writing again, but you do stuff like that!

Thank you for another wonderful addition to this strange pairing. (I love strange pairings.)