Reviews for The Chronicles of Captain Craptastic
serafina chapter 9 . 7/17
i really wish u continue the story
mikamatos chapter 9 . 5/27
I love this so much! Such a great idea and really well written, I really wish you'd continue this story!
cscs01 chapter 9 . 1/8
First of all let me tell you that I really admire and like your stories. You are one of the finest writers of HP fandom. Talking about this story, I hardly read AU but this one got my attention. Its absolutely brilliant. The way you narrated each and every character is amazing.
I know it has been very long time since you have last updated it. But i hope you give this story its due credit soon.
HotelonBoardwalk chapter 9 . 4/3/2019
Is this story still being updated, I know you said nothing is abandoned but still it has been some time.

This is a nice story, rather similar to one by cgner
mmarsh464 chapter 9 . 1/31/2019
I am absolutely dying to know Lily's backstory, and I'm almost positive Snape is going to come back in some terrifyingly fascinating way. It's clearly been a while, but I just want you to know this story is still interesting!
Nitelock chapter 9 . 12/6/2018
Awwwweeeeee this is incredible! I love the whole dynamic between all the characters and I have to say you've done everyone perfectly xx
It's been six years but if you could update I will love you forever and ever and ever which I already do now but ah well XD

thank you so much for making my life that bit better xoxoxoxox
AMProngs chapter 1 . 10/26/2018
I don’t know why I keep thinking I read all your stories. I can firmly say that I’ve fallen completely in love with your stories. I mention whenever anyone mentions they want to read Jily fiction. I’ve been reading several of your fictions again (Careless Texter, The Fight before Christmas, Catastrophe, The Girl in the looking glass) because they were simply amazing. Second time was just as amazing and captivating. So anyway, I look through to make sure if I’ve really read all your stories and I stumbled on this beauty. I should have known better than to click on it and start reading right in middle of mid term exams. This amazing story that’s been added on my absolute favorites, has costed me 4hrs straight and more and in so limiting sleep time and studying time because I was so captivated I had to keep reading. I have no self control with great reads obviously. You just have a way with words and how you Lily and James is amazing. I’ve finally gotten a chance to thank you because this brought happiness into my life and I’m I will in need of cheering one day and it will do it again. Thank you so much.
Adirondack chapter 9 . 9/28/2018
Love this story! It's so original, and everyone has so much personality, and I just ship jily so much when you write them! ;)
Miisss chapter 9 . 9/1/2018
Love your story !
I Can Hear the Sea chapter 9 . 7/22/2018
I can't say I'd have made the decision that Remus did about declining the trust fund that was available to him. What a noble and modest guy. AND he still wants to go to med school!

("James is afraid to reveal the best of himself to you because he's afraid that you'll think he's conceited," said Remus flatly, but not unkindly. "You'll know that he's anything but after spending an evening with him, but he won't listen to reason at the moment. I blame Sirius for indulging him in his foolishness."
"I don't think James is conceited," she said, blinking in the sunlight that shone on her face. "I think he's lovely. I think he's wonderful. He's the nicest man I've ever met, not even saving your presence, and I'd hate for him to think otherwise.") *Okay, I'm melting at this sweetness!

I think, in a sense, I am relieved this story didn't progress past this chapter. Not to say that I wouldn't be glad if it did, but I'm afraid to find out just what exactly happened to Lily.
I Can Hear the Sea chapter 8 . 7/22/2018
Six years late, but I think it's incredibly stupid that you received abusive messages for not updating. In the scheme of things, it's really no big deal. You don't get any money or compensation out of writing these amazing stories, and people really shouldn't be so entitled.

This Mary-Eddie-Lily dynamic is so amazing. I'd already loved the Mary and Lily dynamic, but throw in Eddie, and it's just so...familial, somehow.

I'm so glad her best friend and her best friend by proxy get along with James so well. He's shown himself to be such a sweetheart (and totally smitten with Lily!) that I'm glad things are progressing so well.

As for Brian, well, I mean, are we sure he's not an alias for Severus? Would explain a lot...

Remus! Haha, it's no surprise he's the most perceptive (in a sense) of the Marauders.

Also, hehe, James kissed her again (in front of EVERYONE this time!).
I Can Hear the Sea chapter 7 . 7/22/2018
ASLKDFJASLDFJLAS. James is so sweet on her...and the FLIRTING. Ack! Parts of the date felt so personal, particularly when James was sharing the tidbit about his dad's heart attack.

Mary's fridge clippings made me giggle so hard.

(One minute I was going to a meeting and the next minute I was staring across the street at the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life.") Oh, James.

They kissed. They KISSED! Ahhhhhhhhh! And then he kissed her NOSE! This is too cute.
I Can Hear the Sea chapter 6 . 7/22/2018
("Her kid?" Lily's eyes widened. "Her son died, too?") Why do I get the feeling that Severus didn't actually die? Come to think of it, that Brian character is really clingy...

YESSSSS! James came to pick her up on a more private date! Squeal!
I Can Hear the Sea chapter 5 . 7/22/2018
(“Course he did,” said Sirius. “The bloke’s dead gone on you.”) LOL. Oh, Jamesy. And LOL at Lily for denying her attraction to him. Her looking over at Sirius’s phone every time someone/James messaged him got me.

Bella is so weird. Actually, the entire Black family in this chapter is. Well, except maybe Regulus, but that’s a first.
I Can Hear the Sea chapter 4 . 7/22/2018
I really shudder to think or imagine what Lily went through to get her powers, even if it is a fictional story. Whatever it was, it seems to have been incredibly traumatizing. (And you were right in putting the Mary section in this chapter instead; it flows a lot better!)

James is so adorable with his crush on Lily! I know Izzie is based on a best friend, but she’s really quite...pushy in this particular chapter. I anticipate Lily and James will ditch the date considering Lily’s strong opinions on the matter of being “used” and James’s apparent unwillingness to go on that planned farce of a date. Mr. Evans encouraging this potential of a relationship is hilarious.
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