Reviews for Fuyumatsu The End of Winter
bobbyneko chapter 1 . 1/12/2017
So sweet
Cutiecat chapter 1 . 1/26/2016
Waaah! How cute! At first, I was worried it'd be all depressing, but then Kotari-san didn't die, after all! I feel so happy for Soujiro and Kotari-san! This was really uplifting. It was also a bit of an emotional roller coaster. I felt so depressed with the winter, so happy with Soujiro petting the growing plants and with the singing birds, so angry at the little boys who hurt Kotar-san... I think it takes a really talented writer to cause such strong emotions in a person. And, so many in such a short story, too!
HoshisamaValmor chapter 1 . 1/27/2015
oh wow I was so careful to follow the chronology of your stories and somehow I jumped this one! oh well

Reading this now and knowing what listening to the birds' singing meant to Soujirou, seeing what Kotori-san meant to him in this story and then obviously seeing the extend she helped him in Autumn, it makes it all the more sad. You seem to have a way of presenting things very simply and emotionally - you've done it with the purest and simplest of things, animals and children, both whom I think are the purest form of emotion and the perfect way to reach out to Soujirou, someone who blocked and disattached himself from any emotional concept for so long. It was really the easiest - maybe that's not the right or more appropriate word - to get to him.
Seriously, it's very sad, and if we re-read my reviews I think I said the same with Koinu-san, it leaves a knot in my throat. Though Kotori-san was adorable and even sadder.
Here I am digressing again

Lastly, Soujirou's realization is true and must have been even more painful at the time - if he's so angry at a kid who killed/injured a little bird, what about what he had done? I really like what you write
HayashiOkami chapter 1 . 10/15/2008
Aw I love Kotori-san! It's so cute! I really enjoy your stories, don't give up writing.
Renee chapter 1 . 12/29/2002
What a beautiful story! I'm happy to find someone who can write about Soujiro after the Kyto arc but somehow manage to keep him in character. And the fact you didn't include a romance makes it that much better. I'm so pleased to have been able to read your fic. Please keep writing with Soujiro! You're wonderful!
MarySuedShoes chapter 1 . 10/27/2002

what is with you and writing so well?

*sighs* aww, that poor bird...

I hate it when other people don't see the value in the things that you do..

Spesh stuff like that anyways.

Fantastic work as usual, I'm glad to see your work is always like this! _ Always a good read, and I come away liking Sou-kun more and more! _


Aiko-chan chapter 1 . 5/20/2002
LOVELY! I love your english! Pls write more _
shigatsu1 chapter 1 . 2/25/2002
This was a very enjoyable read. It was very meaningful. Thank you for writing such a wonderful fic!