Reviews for In Visible Light
LunaSetsuna chapter 1 . 7/1/2018
Actually i'd love a sequel.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
I love it!

Though it left me questions about the other elements of the story (eg. Roxa's visit, the wanderer's end, etc), at least they got together... ;)
SilverWhiteDragon chapter 1 . 3/4/2014
Damn. Now I want a sequel to this _
MizzeriSong chapter 1 . 7/11/2013
...I love you.

Like, really love you.

Never stop writing.

*faves and watches*

-your newest fan.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/29/2013
That was so sweet! Beautiful! I love it! *sniffles*
sakurasapprentice7 chapter 1 . 3/28/2013
This has a really nice idea
The only thing I didn't like was Roxas being a jerk . Boo! But easily overlooked
Bringing in the reapers as demons was fantastic! Great fanfic! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
That was soooooo cute! I stayed up all night just to read it and it was a great idea! This story was very well written and the idea def is not used often so it was nice to read something different! Thank you for sharing this!
Little Lady Lime chapter 1 . 9/11/2012
This story was simply wonderful! I can't even try to properly express with words how much I adore this. The plot was great and so was the way you wrote it. The story flow was really good too. It didn't seem rushed at all. Sure there were some mistakes that I noticed but then again, with a story this long, it's not a surprise that there would be some overlooked ones! The character development was excellent too. I'm so happy that Riku and Sora had their happy ending. I really really adore this. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with us! _
Tsuda chapter 1 . 7/30/2012
Hi ! I love your story.

The love scene was nice/cool/hot with the geniun way of thinking of Riku. I would like to express all my feeling but i'm french and i lose my english because of the night (it's late) and because i can read but not really talk.

By the way i like your story :D
MiniMaven chapter 1 . 6/22/2012
Wow...I thought that was just an absolutely gorgeous fic! The plot, the imagery, everything! I loved it:)
AnimeFreak4261 chapter 1 . 10/30/2011
Ah, this is, like, the 8th time I've read this fic? And it's still just as absolutely excellent as it was the first time x3 I love long fics like this, especially ones that are well-written. They give me hope that hasn't been completely taken over by people with their OC's xD

Mmmm...little kid Sora at the beginning is adorable. I love him. And ya know, even though its SORA, and he can obviously see Riku, I find it to be very fitting, since children have this almost...naive sense of what is and what isn't. They have the most open minds, have the most creative ways of thinking, can sense when something is wrong better than any adult can.

Not gonna lie, the relationship at the end was a bit abrupt, in the sense that it really did seem like Sora liked Kairi, but since I support SoraxRiku, I'm gladly willing to overlook it xD And I super super appreciate you not making Sora this...gushy guy who's oddly okay with everything and its his first time having sex. There were actually bits where he was uncomfortable, and reacting in ways that I'd expect. Like him telling Riku not to stare, haha.

I wanna hug Riku so many times in this thing x3 but Sora does it for me enough I think. I also like what you did with Kariya and...oh gosh...Uzuki? I can never remember her name. They're so different, despite both being with Lucifer; shows that, like Riku said, maybe everything isn't so black and white. I never really liked God to begin with . I agree with Riku; if he's all-forgiving and whatnot, why isn't he helping the people suffering down here? Why wouldn't he tolerate healthy curiosity? Asking questions isn't the same as doubting. I dunno, I'm not one to step on other people's beliefs, but it never really made sense to me. God isn't as omnipotent as some people would think.

Hmm...what else to put. Well, I love your description of everything. Its one of those stories thats so well written I basically zone out while reading it and it turns into a movie in my head. I can actually feel the cold spray of the rain and the chilled air of an approaching winter xD or the warmth of Sora's smile on Riku's heart. Yeah, I'm weird like that, but I can actually FEEL the comforting heat that is Sora. Like a fire in a hearth on a cold night, or the sun-heated sand on the beach. Just like I can feel the delicious cool of Riku, like when you spread a cooling salve on a cut xD they compliment each other nicely.

Anyways, I think I'm rambling...I just wanted to actually review this time around . and tell you how amazing this story is and how much I love you for writing it and now I want a hug for some reason ._. ANYWAYS! Love the story :3

Vixyfox chapter 1 . 10/4/2011
Aw, so cute. I was kind of hoping that maybe after having such intimate contact with a human he'd be able to be seen by humans since he no longer has his wings.
loss of sanity chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
That was MARVELOUS! Best story I've read in a long time!
NoBeesPlease chapter 1 . 5/8/2011
D'awwww! This story is so adorable! 3 Thank you so much!
Kazme chapter 1 . 5/4/2011
Omg, I love you... like... no really.. I love.. this story, yea thats what I ment... 3
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