Reviews for Post It
ironyheartsap chapter 1 . 7/1/2012
This was very cute. I suprisingly never have thought about how Juliet would be proposed to, by Shawn of course. And this proposal is so very Shawn-like. I can totally see Shawn doing something like this. I like when endings are open and it's up to readers to imagine what would happen next etc. but I was disappointed that we wouldn't find out about what crazy thing Sawn was going to do once he came out of where ever he was hiding
(well according to Buzz). If you ever have time for another quick oneshot it would be fun to read about Shawn working on his proposal plans (and of course the crazy antics that came with it along with the incredulous looks and questions he got). So thanks for a fun, quick oneshot to read!
Cyranotion chapter 1 . 1/3/2011
How sweet!Very Shawn-like.
iLoveRomance2o11 chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
Hahahahaah I absolutely loved this story! :D SHULESS! (: You should totally write more Psych stories(:
Blue'sDaydream chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
haha! I really liked this good idea with the cliffhanger. I'll just go to believe she said yes!