Reviews for The Allenic Edda
DarkGidora chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
Very nicely done, it really has the feeling of an epic poem; and it was a good way to go through the Church/Tex relationship across the entire series at the same time. As always, good job.
GKingOfFez chapter 1 . 8/14/2010
Cool, Marti.

The whole thing sounds really old fashioned and sophisticated.

I especially liked the line "Yet damsel never had she been, distress she always met". Sounds like Tex, alright. xD

mutemockingjay chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
Oh. My God.

This is so beautiful, and I love everything about it- the words, the beat, the images it gave, especially all the metaphors.

I especially loved this line: "Her knight in tarnished armor"

And this one, too: "The candle he still holds for her when she is in his sight"

Really powerful.

I will admit I don't get the title, but that's okay. Oh, and one thing that did get to me was the parenthesis but I could easily look over it because the rest of this wins so much at life and I love it to pieces. *hearts*