Reviews for Angel of Vengeance
Strangerhere22 chapter 42 . 8/25
Wow just wow

I- WOW, damn this story is good, probably the best fan fic I’ve read so far. Thank you!
Dee474 chapter 42 . 6/7
a really good story. Thank you
NCISFan chapter 24 . 12/18/2016
Aha, she's going after DiNozzo. Too bad the team will save him. lol My least favorite character. Wish he'd been killed off instead of Kate.
randomplotbunny chapter 42 . 12/3/2014
Incredible! A simply amazing piece of work!
JerryF chapter 42 . 11/8/2012
Thanks for a wonderful story. Loved it kept me captivated. Can't wait to read more from you.
FallenAngel218 chapter 5 . 8/6/2012
Poor TIm... I can't believe he thinks it's his fault, just because that a-hole was mean to him in high school. Can't wait for next chapter!
FallenAngel218 chapter 2 . 8/6/2012
I like this so far. It's interesting. And that is so gross what happened to Tim. I hope no one ever really has to go through vicious bullying like that at school.
Automail-gHost chapter 3 . 10/11/2011
AAAARRRRRRRGGGGGG! How can you be so cruel?

I was really enjoying this but then it came to the flash back... Is it really necessary to have strong language in this?

I really like the plot of this and I love the way you write, I was so happy when I found out you wrote this as a sequel, the only problem is the language. V.V

Do you think you could find it in your heart to go back and maybe bleep those words? Maybe use **** this instead? The only reason I ask is because I was loving it so much, so please, please change it?

But, either way, I wanted to tell you that your writing is very good, it is very well done. .
Silverthreads chapter 42 . 9/18/2011
That was one scary woman! Good story.
Captor of the Crazies chapter 42 . 9/17/2011
*CLAP* CLAP* CLAP* BRAVO, my dear Oxy, BRAVO! I couldn't have asked, no wished, no, even thought of a better ending than this! This earns you a rating, from 1to 10 you've recieved 1 billion! :D you have typed up quite a n3mber! A pOwer-fUll story with no frills, no, nonsense(except for the brotherly love of Tony :) jUst hard, raw, INTENSITY, and I, am jUmping Jelly beans excited for the sequel! Tim facing the "big bad m0nster" by promising her she's been banished from his dreamworld was just the icing on the cake, keep up the great work!
Icky Wick chapter 1 . 9/17/2011
This wonderful story is finished? OMG, I can't believe I lost track of this. I have to re-read this, then catch up on the action I missed.
super ario chapter 42 . 9/4/2011
Oh my God...

I don't usually read NCIS fics a lot. I've only read a few to be honest but, this...this just takes the cake. I apologize for not leaving reviews for any other chapter except this last one but I've been out of wi-fi and the only way I have been able to read through this entire thing in the past few days is by going down to the lounge and opening about 10 different tabs at a time for different chapters. I was at the final three chapters last night, err, this morning technically, probably around 2 when I realized that I was too tired to continue and didn't want to continue reading because I would not retain the information from the story, so I had to stop. I finished it this morning and my God, I am extremely impressed. This story was very well written and as far as I'm concerned, extremely in character and I could totally imagine this going on in the show and the real characters actually saying some of the things they did that you wrote. I believe that one of the most important things a writer can do is make a story (a fanfiction, particularly) believable and let the reader imagine it in their head and you have clearly succeeded. I cannot begin to express my thanks for this. It has been a great read and it was very enjoyable, every second of it, and I strongly look forward to the sequel.

I'm about to read some of your other work now.
alix33 chapter 42 . 9/3/2011
"Not that it mattered to Imogene. She wasn't a big fan of television. She preferred to be alone with her own thoughts; they were far more entertaining." - Creepy and scary, is what I would call her thoughts, not at all entertaining.
meijkej chapter 42 . 9/2/2011
Really great story! Enjoyed reading it so much that I couldn't stop til it was done :)
siltrana chapter 42 . 9/2/2011
Go McGee and I can't wait for the sequil. Thanks for writing the story.
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