Reviews for American Dad
Gazlover12 chapter 1 . 2/12/2012
Awww aren't you going to ever continue this? I love it! The twist of Alfred being the dad is totally awesome! Please, I'd love to see more, even if you haven't updated in ages(: hahah and I love the part about Matthew and Cuba smoking weed
go chapter 1 . 12/31/2011
The Artist Formaly Known As chapter 1 . 1/15/2011
OMG please update this it is so funny :D
Fai'swingedchronicles chapter 1 . 8/15/2010
I have such a huge smile on now please continue?
Hope-Hazard chapter 1 . 8/11/2010
Here's your first review from the awesome-est person you shall ever meet. (Britiny, in case you didn't catch on. XD )

I think the flip is cool; America being the parent and England the son.

As always, you're writing is wonderful. :D I can't wait for more.
Emily Poe chapter 1 . 8/9/2010
i like the new twist of the parent-child thing! this story made me LOL! keep writing!
Fuzzy Wolf chapter 1 . 8/9/2010
I actually really love this and it's extremely amusing! Its very funny and made me laugh obnoxiously loud. You metioned at the end that you are new to Hetalia? Well if it means anything to you I think you are doing very well with Arthur and Alfred's characters. You managed to capture them well and even snuck in a little bit of Arthur's rebellious nature with the fake ear piercings ;). Also Mattie doing drugs with Cuba? I love that :). Over all I think its an extremely good go for your first time writing for Hetalia.

Just one thing, I'm not trying to be condescending or implying that you don't know your history but you do know that Arthur is older than Alfred right? Its probably a stupid question and besides, the age switching doesn't really bother me.

Regardless of the age difference I still really like this fic and I am looking forward to more updates for this story! :D

This is Fuzzy sighing out


P.S. - If you are ever confused by something a character does in a story or in the actual anime or if you just ever want someone's opinion on if the characters are too OOC don't hesitate to ask me and I will try to answer as best I can :). That is if I'm not over stepping any boundaries by extending this offer. :)