Reviews for Not Nancy, Just Sammy
Guest chapter 9 . 5/21
i love how lovey dove it was
Guest chapter 6 . 5/21
ya its cute MORE CAMMY
BadWithComputers23 chapter 18 . 10/17/2014
I loved it! :D SQUEEEE
I'mTheDreamAssasin chapter 18 . 1/24/2014
This was a really really good story... and you also had good grammar and stuff! Most of the time anyway... I really liked your story though. I'm gonna put you as one a ma favs:D
Brianna the type chapter 17 . 12/4/2013
It is really hard to put this iPad down the story is so interesting
Brianna the type chapter 18 . 12/4/2013
This story was the most interesting story I've ever read I hope you make more story's like so I can read then because I'm basically a bookworm
Percabethgirl2645 chapter 13 . 5/17/2012
Percabethgirl2645 chapter 3 . 5/16/2012
Haha, mr. Rolling turd the third
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7/2011
bumper carts, contests, stars oh my!
Sammy Keyes luva chapter 18 . 1/21/2011
I love you so much! You are the only fan fiction writer that actually finishes their stories. Plus you are an AMAZING writer. I think you should become an author someday. You are very talented and I can't wait to see what other stories you write!
The Wright Kid chapter 18 . 10/13/2010
I'm sad that it's over, but overall it was a very good story! Good job!
IBecameAsMadAsRabbits chapter 18 . 10/11/2010
Awwww, I looveddd itttt. Now I'm sad. Its over. ;_; Waahhh. HEATHER SHOULD GET THE DEATH SENTENCE! I HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR HER AT ALL...I'm mean...Ohhh wellll. Another one of my many flaws ]
storylover8 chapter 18 . 10/10/2010
OMG! I love the ending! its just so, beautiful. I have to go possibly update my own story which I have been slacking off on much too long. Obviously, Im not gonna get anywhere, but its worth a try!
Bammitstephie chapter 18 . 10/10/2010
I'm not signed in.

Anyway. Wow, this was a great story. No more words here. Just so good. :)
treehuggingcookiemonster chapter 18 . 10/10/2010
YAY! It's super radical! FANTASTIC JOB! I really like the ending!
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