Reviews for The Metaphysicist's Club
latetotheparty chapter 14 . 8/16/2019
You are an exceptional writer. (I don't normally review on six year old stories but...) Truly, one of the good ones where your story is so easy to devour and get lost in. I'm definitely sad it was left hanging, but I certainly enjoyed the ride to the last chapter. I hope your still writing, even if its not here.
KD14 chapter 14 . 10/22/2017
If you ever come back to this story, I’ll sure as hell be here waiting to read it. Thanks for sharing.
az chapter 1 . 8/11/2015
You write dialogue so well. Also, the commenter that says "you write mustang as if you live there" has never been more accurate. He is literally bleeding off the page, turning into a person right before my eyes. Your other characters are also so spot on, so believable. Please continue!
ManamiXD chapter 14 . 1/7/2014
Aww, poor Winry. :(
Both Roy and Ed are seriously pissing me off. I can't wait to read what happens next. Please update soon!
Green Bunny chapter 14 . 6/28/2013
Dang you and your way too addicting story! I don't even like love triangles in stories and I still cant stop reading. You're THAT good. Keep it up. I'm in love with this.
thisisup-upisno chapter 14 . 6/24/2013
Nooooooooo! No, Winry, go with your baby-daddy! Don't! Oh, PLEASE don't!
Don't make Winry into a whore! She only needs ONE!
lili-lasagna chapter 14 . 6/17/2013
Damn Winry...Damn Ed...Damn Mustang... I really hope that Ed and Winry end up together and it's so sad about Riza...I hope Edward pays attention to Winry more and that Mustang can back off. Also Winry needs to make up her damned mind...Shes carrying Ed's baby for God's sake and I can't bear the thought of her and Mustang together. Even the baby wants to be with his daddy!
Anyway good plot and I enjoy your writing even though most of your stories make me want to cry and stay in my room and never come out. You have an interesting style and I look forward to the next update...Keep it up.
Inwen chapter 14 . 6/9/2013
Just caught up on your story. Really intrigued as to what is going on with this case. You have a very interesting take on what would have happened after the 2003 anime. I like this department of Abuse of Alchemy...
Definitely came on board for the EdxWinry though, not gonna lie. Enjoying those parts immensely. Really sad that Riza is not around. But your characterization of everyone is really good. Love Havoc and Ross. But I swear i want to kick Mustang in the shin every time he goes near Winry, but in all fairness I also want to smack Ed with a wrench ever time he pushes her away or forgets to consider her feelings. *strangles both of them*
Looking forward to next chapter. :)
Amber Hastings chapter 14 . 6/1/2013
Tere's so much I want to say... But for now, just a "Please, update soon" will do. This is awesome!

Evil Little Dog chapter 14 . 5/20/2013
Well, I hope Ed gets his head out of his ass, because I really want him and Winry together again.

Very intriguing chapter, and I love the descriptions.
myyriad chapter 14 . 5/19/2013
So I want to cry and scream and dance because, yay! you updated! I'm so happy right now.

And jeez, another beautiful chapter filled with drama, suspense and horror. It's all of the things I love wrapped up in a neat little package with a bow on top.

I love how you've managed to catch and preserve Winry's spirit, how you described it when you wrote, "the unselfconsciousness of her actions". But you've also managed to make her character develop in a realistic way, like how she's able to forgive Mustang, which I imagine to be an almost impossible thing to do, or the way she confronts Ed and starts to put herself first.

So some of my favorite lines from this chapter:
"He was learning to be a doctor and he knew, the first thing you learn in Biology 101, is that life is a contract with nonnegotiable terms. And the only person Al had ever met who had managed to stage a parley on that last proviso was his brother, Edward, who now stood before him, the color drained from his face, his eyes wide and white in the gloaming, scared to helplessness because of life."

And of course the last line, which really did break my heart and is distracting me from the very interesting and suspenseful murdering business that's been going on. I also must confess that I was shipping Winry and Mustang for a second there (what is this witchcraft?) and now I feel guilty about it, so thanks for that.
ec-writes chapter 14 . 5/19/2013
Reading this made my heart race. I want to so badly to shake the crap out of Ed and make him think about Winry, and I want to shake the crap out of Winry and make her realize she needs to tell all these dudes to piss off until they get their mess sorted out. Poor Roy. He can't break his whorish habits, and he can't get over Riza. :(
myyriad chapter 13 . 5/18/2013
I am such a hardcore EdWin and RoyAi fan, but when I read your stories it doesn't even matter. And even though I prefer Brotherhood, again, it doesn't matter because you write this world and these people so well. I really really hope you can come back to your writing; it's beautiful and special and every other synonym for amazing. The amount of research you must have done for this fic alone is just kind of astounding because everything is so realistic. Gah I am in love with this story and I have to say that you are one of my all-time favorite authors.
ec-writes chapter 1 . 1/29/2013
LOVE THIS STORY! I wish you would continue!
Walis chapter 13 . 12/14/2012
This story is outstanding, and I wish it had the number of reviews it deserves to reflect its quality. I very much hope to see an update one day soon, but until then I will just be grateful for what you have managed to skillfully create so far!
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