Reviews for The winging of Miya
dufus2000 chapter 1 . 9/13/2017
find myself going through this again. still a really nice story. fluff you may call it, but it's will done to the end. that in itself winds an award. the story too for a second one.
Blake2020 chapter 6 . 7/17/2017
Very nice and great ending
Blake2020 chapter 5 . 7/17/2017
Blake2020 chapter 4 . 7/17/2017
Thrilling chapter
Blake2020 chapter 3 . 7/17/2017
Blake2020 chapter 2 . 7/17/2017
Blake2020 chapter 1 . 7/17/2017
great start
Draco711 chapter 6 . 2/25/2017
Interesting story.
Meaningless Us3rname chapter 6 . 2/23/2017
I really liked this. It was sweet...also the idea that everything was a Domino effect was brilliant. Minaka isn't evil he was driven insane the very moment he entered the ship so many years ago and everything after that was a result of his instability.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/21/2016
Are you cereal?! AKITSU, TOO?! THAT'S IT!

*gleefully begins grabbing and throwing things, stomping all around while screaming happily, repeatedly smashing my face into a wall making a nice and bloody indentation*

This. Fic. Is. AWESOME!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2016
YES! Miya/Minato! And I could actually see this happening! This is excellent!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/17/2016
Manaka - Minaka

You got his name wrong
7137 chapter 6 . 8/12/2015
Sorry you're done, liked the story. By the way, Katsuragi is #86, not #83
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2014
I really liked this. Nicely done.
Godric Kharg chapter 6 . 10/2/2014
Not bad. While I enjoyed the story as a whole, and a lot of the ideas you put into play I had wondered about even before finding the fanfiction website.

Your composition, to me at least, leaves a bit to be desired. It runs far to fast, and if described, narrated, and dialoged PROPERLY the story could have easily gone 10-15 chapters, and been. Inch easier to read. Instead it feels more rushed.

Punctuation, it needs fixing. To many commas, semi colons, etc I can get by if used wrong or too far in abundance. I think most readers could also... HOWEVER. Exclamations and question marks make the dialog so much more in the internal mind when it's being read.

I certainly like the maturing bit that you put forth, there is a lot in the series to suggest the sekerei are aged, prematurely I think, look at shiina and Ku, at least 4-6 years difference, of not more as Yukari would have been 17-18, a year younger than Minato... But they where batched together?

Musubi's simple ness I usually put down to carrying yume's tama/consciousness, as well as her own. Essentially making her work twice as hard to maintain concentration...

Anyways, you done good. Hope you consider a sequel to theism, but your profile hasn't been updated since 2010...
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